Chapter Five

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I DIDN'T KNOW HOW LONG IT HAD BEEN SINCE we'd left Kribirsk, all I knew was that I was being taken away. I knew I should have been angry with the Darkling; should have despised him for this. But I couldn't bring myself to. I'd already tried to escape the coach, one to many times. After a while the Grisha guard kept his promise and locked the door from the outside. I knew it should have spurred me on more, but I knew fighting wouldn't do me any good, so I gave in. I wanted to know where I was going, where they were taking me to, but every time I tried asking. I'd only ever gotten simple responses like: 'somewhere safe' or 'figure it out.'

When night fell over us; I was pulled from the coach, but my hands had been bound together as for 'protection' as the Grisha settled down for the night. I didn't recognize my surroundings; the grounds were covered with trees and meadows not to far off. But I knew we'd been far from Kribirsk and that's all I think I needed to know. Most Grisha where Heartenders, some were squallers— which wore blue with blue and white seams. I kept to myself but of course when they offered me food, I refused to take it. I knew I was being stubborn, but I wasn't going to eat until I knew where I was being taken to.

At some point the Heartender who'd dragged me out of the tent hours before tried to force me to eat. Why'd he care? Why did any of them care? I shook my head as he lifted bread to my mouth; I looked anywhere but him and moved my face away from the food. I heard him sigh in frustration.

"You need to eat." He said blankly letting the hand with the bread fall away from my mouth.

"I'll eat," I spat. "When you tell me where the hell I'm being taken to."

The only answer I got was an eye roll and a silent growl, "You're being taken to the Little Palace." He said after a moment of silence.

When I heard those words, my body tensed. I'd never been to Os Alta before, only ever seen it in drawings. I looked back to him my mouth agape. "Why?"

"You're really that oblivious, aren't you?" He said exasperatedly.

"You're one of the most powerful Grisha in all of Ravka and you know little of how to use your gift." I snorted at the last bit. "Not only that but, you're being hunted. Everyone's been waiting for your kind since Sankt Ilya's time. And you exploited it out in the open. The Shu Han, Fjerda there all going to be on your tail for the rest of your life from here on out. So, until we reach the palace grounds your stuck in those binds, we can't trust you enough to see what would happen if we did leave you unbound. If you haven't figured it out yet, that light you unleashed could've killed half the dozens of those people back in Kribirsk." Although a lantern was all that was lighting the area you still could see the blueish grey hues of his eyes, radiating frustration. The sneer never left his lips almost as if I'd left a distaste in his mouth.

I shook my head, "I'm not what you people make me out to be, whatever this is had to be transferred to me by accident. This isn't a gift, it's a curse."

"If it was a curse surely the General would have found a solution to curing it by now." He had a point though. The Darkling would have. But still: I refused to believe I was, what I was.

I didn't have to say anything to know he may have been right. But knowing I was too stubborn to allow myself to give in, just rose my head in defiance, but before I could even open mouth to say something petty, he spoke again.

"You cannot deny your true identity forever. Sooner or later, you'll have to face the real world and its consequences. You're the only Grisha we know of who can take down the Fold." He added. "We're not here to make friends with you, it's just orders and, quite frankly if I were the General, I would have feed you to the Volcra by now." His expression was still blank of emotion.

My mouth was agape, I wanted to say something back but the look in his eyes told me it wasn't the best idea. Not that I was scared to, but he was a Heartender and he could end me if he wanted to. He smirked at me, throwing the bread down into my lap.

"Fine be stubborn, but don't expect me to feed you like a dog. I'm already sick and tired of you." He snarled getting up from a crotched position and walked off. What a pleasant man.

I looked around again, the Grisha would look back at me every now and then curiously or check to see if I had attempted to escape yet. I rolled my eyes huffing as my back hit the tree trunk I was set up against. Although I was provided blankets, I refused to take them. I wasn't going to. Not until I talked to the General again, whenever that would be.

An hour later I was a sweating mess, it was hot especially for being night. The Grisha had settled down and were either talking amongst each other or settling down for the night. I hadn't slept, I refused to sleep. I was more concerned about a Fjerdan or Shu finding us and killing me. I thought over the Heartenders words.

As much as I hadn't wanted to believe him, I knew he was right. Whatever I was: I would most certainly be killed if I was found, or worse killed at the stake of a torch. I was terrified at the thought, I was terrified of myself, I wanted to crawl out of my skin on the inside. Wished I wasn't the Grisha, everyone wanted me to be. I just wanted to be normal. Saints why did it have to be me? But I wanted to know more, what was I really? I already knew I was Grisha but what kind? The Heartender said I was rare. The first of my kind. But what?

I wanted to know, and I would get answers.



Short and not as good.

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