Chapter Eleven

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I JOLTED UP WITH A GROAN BUT I WAS IN my bed with a cold rag on the top of my head. Genya was sitting at my bedside her eyes barely open. I reached over and shook her arm gently; Her eyes popped open, and she sighed out shakily when her eyes found mine.

"Ooh saints, I came as soon as I heard." She grasped my hand tightly in hers. "You had me scared to death you know—" she began. "I mean— you didn't wake up. The nurses they tried everything... the heartenders tried everything." She shook her head. I brushed my thumb over her hand.

"I'm alright now. Well— my head hurts like a bitch but I'm fine." Genya laughed.

"Well, you did get thrown against a poll so.... Yeah." She stated. "Which reminds me the nurse told me to tell you that: You have a cracked rib, a minor concussion, and that you cannot train for at least ten to twelve days."  I groaned letting my head relax against the pillow.

"Great.... Just how my first day was supposed to start," I sighed. "I honestly don't think I can do this, Genya.... I mean— I cannot just face the fact that Zoya's going to be down my throat—"

"The General sent her away to confinement as he promised he would if you had gotten harmed." I blinked but felt relief wash over me.

"When did she leave?" I asked. "As soon as it happened. The General was not very happy to hear the news either in fact he threatened the Etheralki that if it happened again, he would—" Genya paused. "Never mind that." She added quickly. I frowned but didn't want to question.

"Anyways, I'm sorry about her. Before you came along, she had been the Generals favorite, the one who got his attention. But now that you're here he's been...... very focused on you and she's probably just jealous." I snorted a laugh.

"Probably jealous? Come on Genya, you can't possibly believe that I'm the Darkling's so called 'interest'." Genya gave me a pointed look before rolling her eyes.

"I didn't say that" she said getting to her feet. "I meant that he's just been focused on getting you here and eager for you to begin training."

That breath taking smirk formed on her lips though. "But.... now that you mention it." I tilted my head. "Have you seen the way he looks at you?" She put her hands on her hips tilting her head. I felt a blush began to spread up my neck. Genya must have noticed because then the next minute her smirk was replaced with the brightest smile.  "Ooh my.... Does somebody have a crush?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

I scoffed and shook my head. "What? —," Genya's smile only grew. "Genya! I've only just met him a week ago!" I shouted. "I mean technically that's a lie I mean I met him three weeks ago while I was still at camp—" I took in a breath. "But that was by accident soooo—" I stopped talking knowing I was talking gibberish.

"How do you meet somebody by accident?" Genya asked throwing her arms up. "I ran into him," I squealed. Genya snorted and rolled her eyes before shaking her head. "I seriously doubt that it was by accident."

I huffed looking away. "Fine.... Fine.... think what you like," Genya laughed. A knock at the doors caught our attention quickly and before I had known General Kirigan was peeking his head around the corner.

"May I come in?" He asked. Genya rose to her feet and bowled in respect. "General Kirigan,"

"Genya," He started. "I believe that Anastasia was waiting for you." I watched as Genya's smile dropped before turning back to me. "I'll be back later...." She stopped before pointing a finger at me. "Don't you dare do anything stupid." I laughed.

"Well see," I quipped as she rolled her eyes before turning to walk to the doors. General Kirigan walked into the room as I sat up in the bed wincing as the pain shot through my ribs and head. He sat on the edge of my bed and smiled down at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked gently putting his hand on my knee. "Is that really a question?" I chuckled softly which made his lips twitch.

"Honestly I thought you would have been in worse condition," I blinked up at him. "Is having a concussion and a few broken ribs not as bad here?"

"Less bad then getting your leg blown off in war," He quipped. "True.... but what I'm going through isn't as comfortable as it may seem."

His smile turned into a frown slightly. "I'm sorry about Zoya, But I promise you after what happened today You won't be seeing her for a while," I nodded.

"It's fine although it was kind of my fault," His head tilted. "How so?" I gulped down the lump in my throat. "Well, it was about a friend back home— she— ummmm apparently slept with him and umm—" He lifted his hand to silence me.

"It's alright: you don't have to say no more. It's understandable." I laughed nervously. "You shouldn't blame yourself either, I know how Zoya can be, and she shouldn't have done that, so I believe it was more of her fault than it was yours," He added. I looked down rubbing at my arm from the chilling breeze I suddenly got.

A silence fell over us, but it was less awkward. "You will be meeting one of the Grisha trainers after your well rested and healed up," He broke the silence. I looked up to him and nodded.

"In the meantime, I've arranged some Grisha Theory books Lined since you'll be here for quite some time. They will be brought once Genya returns," I nodded. Honestly it sounded nice but at some point, I knew I was going to be dreading to leave this bed.

The door opened and Fedyor's poked his head through another one of the Heartenders I'd met on the way here to the Little Palace. Apparently, he'd been with Ivan and honestly, I'd never say it out load, but he could do better. "General, the ambassadors are here." General Kirigan got to his feet. "Thank you, Fedyor."

He turned back to me. "You should rest," I nodded as he smiled before making his way to the door. He took one last glance at me before departing the room.

To be continued......

1,232 words written.

So here's how this is going to work: when I'm not 100% how I feel about a chapter I'll leave it as unedited in case later I decide I want to change it. So this chapter is one of those. Let me know how you feel about it. And I'm sorry I'm late. I've been a little busy because if you haven't noticed I'm writing a Hawkeye fanfic called 'Collateral Damage' and it's been a while since I've updated so I figured I'd spend some time writing that chapter so I don't leave those guys hanging. Anyways I hope you enjoy and Chapter Twelve will be out tomorrow or Saturday morning.

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