Chapter Seventeen

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I SPENT THE NEXT DAY TRAINING WITH BAGHRA AND BOYKIN; But all I could think about was Aleksander and just how anxious I was to see him tonight. But as the day grew closer and closer to its end, I couldn't help but feel that pang of nerves continue to increase.

By the time I'd made it back to the palace grounds it was a little past six which meant two hours until I met with Aleksander for dinner. I departed my way from the Guards and made my way up to my chamber, once I was there I closed the door behind me leaning back against it to take in a harsh breath; it'd been a rough day I will confess but I had tried to not let it get to me, I mean it was just Baghra and Boykin.

It had only been my second week with her in training and I hadn't gotten anywhere with summoning, It wasn't as easy as Baghra had tried to make it out to be. I didn't know if it was because I was unfocused or because I just couldn't do it alone, but I didn't want to let Aleksander think I was weak in anyway, but I also felt like I was failing at that. I had been trying to prove myself to the Grisha since I started training; I tried summoning late in the nights when I couldn't sleep, I tried to focus put in every ounce of focus I had, but nothing ever happened. I'd wandered if it was because of stress but that still didn't change the fact I'd done it with Baghra on the first day without any issue, but she'd also been underestimating me.... was that it? It had only come out to prove her wrong, that I shouldn't be underestimated?

Saints I wish I knew the answer to that question. The door to my Chambers flew open a minute later, "Bad day?" Genya asked walking through the door and into the bedroom, setting a green flower beading embroidery medieval gown onto my bed that was sleeveless and beaded with trails going down the arms and elbows, "This is the dress?" I asked in amazement, letting my fingers run along the embroidery, She let out a quiet laugh and nodded.


After about five minutes of debating what necklace I should wear later I was ready, and Genya was escorting me to the Darkling's chambers. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest, and I wondered if Genya could hear it too by how loud it was, I hadn't said a word since we'd left my chambers and, all I could think of was Aleksander. A furious blush was making its way up my neck and onto my cheeks; I tried to keep myself collected but it was getting very hard. I felt like I could just die, I wanted too with how nervous I was. Once we stopped at the black doors of Aleksander's chambers Genya turned to me and smiled, "Calm yourself before he gets out here, okay?"

I glared at her as she turned to make her way down the opposite hall. I could see that she was laughing behind her hand and I wanted nothing more than to throw a beam of light at her, but I couldn't, because I didn't know how. I turned back to the door fixing my hair that had been put into complicated braid and took in a few deep breaths trying to keep myself calm, reaching forward I knocked softly. I heard shuffling from the other side; they were hurried footsteps, I furrowed my brows in wonder but shook it off as the door opened, Aleksander looked dashingly handsome, his hair was pushed back with strands falling loose in his face and his black kefta was hugging his figure tightly as always.

He smiled down at me, "I was wondering when you'd make it." I blinked up at him as he stepped to the side gesturing for me to enter, I smiled, slowly walking into the room. The room was dimmer with the soft glow of candlelight. "You look beautiful," Aleksander said as the door shut. I turned to him and, hung my head low as a blush spread up my neck. "T—thank you." I stammered as my gaze went back to him. His eyes glistened in the dark and his smile was charming. "Shall we?" He asked gesturing to the table that was surrounded by different types of foods. Fresh stemmed corn with butter, cornbread, mashed potatoes, green beans, steak, and Lemon pie.

My mouth watered just looking at all the choices I had. Aleksander pulled out a chair gesturing for me to sit, I thanked him as he walked over to his. There was a moment of silence and this time it was... awkward.... We sat for a bit before he slowly began to load his plate with some mashed potatoes and corn. "I hope you don't mind the food choices?" It was more of a question, but I couldn't help the smile that lifted onto my lips. "They all look delicious," I replied back loading green beans onto my plate.

Once my plate was filled with food I dug right on in. "Ooh saints that's good," I groaned in pure ecstasy at the sweet taste that filled my mouth. Aleksander laughed from across the table and shook his head, "I require the sweetest tastes of foods in the palace." He almost sounded smug for a second, but I pushed it away. His sentence though ended with a: 'I am the General of course' and I couldn't help but snort.

"So, tell me Maira, how's training coming? I understand you were down with her later than usual tonight." I put down the cutlery and nodded not looking up from my plate, "Yes, she's been testing me on what I've succ— I mean tempted to do on my own." I bit my lip, turning my gaze up to his. "Your still struggling, yes?" He then asked; my eyes widen as I met his. "How did you—"

"Baghra informed me," I should have known she would keep him updated on my progress. I wasn't mad about it but was slightly frustrated because I'd been trying to keep most of my fails to myself because Aleksander had too much stress and tension with not just himself but people outside Os Alta so, I didn't want to add something extra too it. My mouth was agape, I didn't know what to say: sorry I'm failing? I sighed picking up my fork to pick at the food on my plate. "Should i be sorry?" The words flew out of my mouth before I could control myself. Great job, Maira. I was expecting him to get angry but, he only snorted and shook his head.

"Honestly no—" he looked between his plate and my eyes. "But yet I had expected a bad report as well— but it's not your fault. It took me years to master my own power and you've only just started so no I'm honesty not surprised." He let out a low laugh. "It's just—" I began now playing with the skirt of my dress. "It's just hard. I watch every other Grisha use their power without any complications and yet when I do it— try to put my mind to it, I struggle. The first time I did it with Baghra I had to physically push my mind until everything in and outside of my body hurt." I purposely left out the part where something happened. I didn't want anyone to know about that even if it was Aleksander.

"It takes time, you'll get there." Aleksander reached across the table and took my hand in his before getting up. "Enough with all the sad talk though." I laughed now standing before him. We stood in silence examining each other's features; "Dance with me?" I nodded.

His smile grew as his arms wrapped around my waist lightly. My body tensed for a few seconds but calmed when he guided my hand up to his shoulder. We started to sway to nothing, but it didn't matter. His hands moved up a little higher on my waist before removing it to twirl me around. I barked out a laugh as my back collided with his front, hands on my waist; my hand in his hair before I turned back to him. I let my hands travel up his torso before landing on his heart that seemed to be beating rapidly in his chest. His smile slowly began to fade but, he was staring at my lips now. We both stood for a few moments before he began to lean into me. My heart began to pound and, my cheeks burned.

I blinked once... twice.... And then our lips connected.

To be continued.....

1,515 words written.

Cringe chapter but I have been rushing to get this one out.

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