Chapter Nineteen

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MY BREATH HITCHED IN MY THROAT WHEN I WAS PULLRD UP against a body. Arms wrapping tightly around my waist in a way where I couldn't escape even if i tried. The ghost of hot breath against my neck made me crank my head to the side slightly to get a glimpse of the very person doing so. Aleksander.

I felt his muscles tense under my gaze, his eyes were glued to the window in view and, he was breathing heavily. I went to open my mouth, but Aleksander broke the silence before I could. "Please," He whispered. "Let us enjoy the silence."

I furrowed my brows wanting to ask why but didn't. Aleksander's breathing began to steady when he turned me to face him; arms still secured tightly around my waist. I wanted to look up at him, wanted to look into his beautiful dark eyes but, didn't, Because I felt out of place, like I didn't belong in his space. But at the same time all I wanted was exactly that. So why was I feeling this way? I'd been waiting to talk to him for weeks and I finally am able to have that moment, but my thoughts had been flying in every direction.

"I—" He whispered eyes going back and forward between my lips and eyes. He struggled to speak, to find the right words to say but he couldn't. I could feel the nerves radiating off of him. "Aleksander,"

His eyes met mine again seconds later his arms coming to rest on my elbows. "I'm not very good with apologizing—" He began.

He took a deep breath, "Maira," He shifted, "I—I'm sorry for ignoring you, truly but— if I may say I am not very good with expressing my affections to people."

Every nerve, negative thought, and tension left my body right as the words left his mouth. I allowed myself to relax, to rest my arms atop of his and releasing a long exhaling breath. "Aleks,"

I squeezed his arms in attempt to ease the tension in his body. His eyes fixated anywhere else moments before but when I said his name, he finally allowed himself to look at me. It's funny how easy it was to make someone relax with the littlest exchange. His eyes searched mine desperately wanting me to say something. "Please,"

I sucked in a breath, "Please don't blame yourself." He furrowed his brows. "I've been very ill-mannered to you." He sounded confused, like he didn't understand what I was meaning to say. I shook my head. "I've been very ill-mannered to you too Aleks,"

I let out a slight laugh, "Guilty as charged." He snickered peering down at me through his lashes with his lips curled up in a soft smile. "You are..." He trailed off, "You are something else Maira."

"Good or bad?" He let out another laugh, "What other response would it be?" I tilted my head at him. "Good I presume."

He didn't say anything. He didn't need to. We just started into each other's eyes for who knows how long until his hands reached up to brush some hair away from my face. "You are beautiful."

I smiled, tightening my hold on him. "Aleks," His index finger that was framing my face touched my lip in an instant. "I want to kiss you again." He whispered. "I want to hold you like I've never held anyone. I've never felt this way towards anyone in my life Maira. It's almost overwhelmingly addicting, and I can't stop thinking about you. I want you."

I was in awe, not just because he was pouring out his heart to me but because he didn't fear or hesitate to say any word of it. It could have been just as easy to write it down on parchment and send it to my chamber kind of easy. But no, he was standing in front of me pouring out his heart to me of all Grisha or any regular human in the world he was saying it all to me.

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