Chapter Twenty-Three

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THE DOOR WAS OPEN WHEN I ARRIVED AT ALEKSANDER'S CHAMBERS a little while later. I walked inside to see him hunched over the table with an unreadable expression on his face; he did not know I had come in, so I walked over to his side and nudged him with my elbow.

"Hey," I smiled as he looked up at me. His tense body relaxed immediately, and his lips curved into a smile. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't come." He said as he straightened his stance.

"Now how could I ever miss the opportunity of talking to such a handsome General?" I smirked. "Ooh so you think I'm handsome now?" He quirked a brow with a teasing smile. I snorted, "You already know the answer to that."

He sighed dramatically, "Perhaps." He took a step closer. "Or maybe I like hearing you say it." The blush that had been unforgiving crept up my neck.

"You are a tease," I breathed as his arm circled my waist; pulling me closer until we were chest to chest. He hummed at my response as he bent down and connected our lips together in a passionate kiss.

My arms circled around his neck as I pulled him closer moaning into his mouth. He groaned as his arms tightened before pulling back to peck my nose. "I've been waiting to do that for days."

I laughed, "I missed this. I wish we could spend more time together." He nodded, "I want nothing more than to hold you in my arms, My love. But duty calls." I allowed my head to rest against his chest as he held me. I could hear the pounding of his heart against my ear. The way it comforted me, eased away any negative energy that begged to control me.

When we pulled away from each other I felt cold, and I wanted nothing more than to be back in his arms. "I presume Genya informed you of your friend." I hummed.

"I am grateful to hear that Mal is not hurt but I can't help but wonder what will happen to the Fjerdan assassins." It was the first time I'd used the syllable 'assassin' but it's what the Fjerdan soldiers were, were they not?

"They will be held for questioning." Aleksander said. I nodded, "After that?"

Would they be killed?

"That decision will be made in court." He informed me after stepping back. I squinted a brow but did not question any further.

"How has your day been?" His lower back rested on the table. "It's been alright, although I wish I'd gotten in some training." He hummed, "Understandable."

"I hadn't got the chance to check in with Baghra about your training. But from what I understand you are slowly starting to make progress." He spoke. "Now I wouldn't necessarily say that. I mean yes I am able to summon now but it's not quite to the level where I don't have to push myself."

"You shouldn't have to push yourself." Aleksander's stood again. "I understand it is not easy to summon at first, but you shouldn't have to force yourself to make it appear."

I rose a brow, "What do you mean?"

"Power is something that takes decades to master." I blinked up at him, "Especially with someone as special as you,"

I looked down at the ground once those words came. Even after a month of hearing people tell or call me special, I still didn't know what to think of it. Because I didn't feel special. I felt normal even when I knew I wasn't. Because I was beyond normal. I was a prophecy that everyone knew about. And everyone expected me to be their hero. All because I was the summoner of a power that could bring havoc to a dark and scary fold filled of monsters.

And that scared me. Because to an extent I knew I was capable of something more. I just didn't know what. And then I had the ability to bend darkness. Shadows like Aleksander and I'd barely had control over them. They appeared when I slept, they brushed my hands, followed me everywhere I went. And I was scared of that darkness. I was scared of myself. And I would never say it out loud, not even to Aleksander.

When I looked back up to Aleksander, he was standing closer to me. His hands were on either side of my head. Making me look him in the eyes. The look he gave me told me he had read my mind. "You are special."

His voice was husky as his thumbs rubbed my cheeks, "So special that you will do great things. Do not fear such a beautiful gift."

"I only fear that I will fail you." I whispered. "And that.... If I do, you'll turn against me. And I do not wish to disappoint you."

He bent his forehead down until it rested against mine, "How could you ever disappoint me? You have only ever proved yourself worthy to me since you were brought here."

"You have proved yourself worthy to the kingdom and the Grisha." He said with such tenderness, "And you will be an example of such to the future."

He always knew just what to say. His words calmed me, made me want to forget about everything. Everything that was to come sooner or later. I let out a heavy sigh, "You are wonderful."

He let out a low laugh. "And beautiful." I snorted, "I think the right word is handsome."

He pulled away with a smirk before bringing his lips to my ear, "You want to know what I think you are?" He asked seductively which made me shiver. "What?" I gasped out meekly.

"I think you are sexy." He said as his lips brushed over the shell of my ear as he moved the hair from my neck and started peppering my neck in kisses that had my legs almost give out beneath me.

His teeth grazed my neck before he punctured my skin by biting and licking the area. I let out a silent moan but pulled at his hair begging for him to not stop.

He bit the same spot again making me throw my head back with a loud gasp that quickly turned into a whimper as he soothed the area with his tongue. His lips traveled back up to my lips before he took my bottom lip between his teeth and sucked it into his mouth as he kissed me.

I was so lost in him, all I could think about was him, and all I wanted was him.

I moaned again when his tongue slipped past my lips and into my mouth. His hands traveled up and down my sides before he grabbed my waist and spun me around making me walk backwards until we had made it past the threshold to his bedroom.

The door was kicked closed quickly after and then the next thing I know I'm pushed up against the door with his lips on my neck.

Words Written:

Author's note:
It's about time I let in some spice don't you think ;)

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