Chapter Thirteen

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THE ROOM WAS DARK AND ONLY FILLED WITH a soft candlelight casting a soft glow over the room. A fire was burning in a pit in the corner along with a pot being held by a branch over a fire, a table in a corner with parchment sprawled out, and a dark-haired figure sat in a rocking chair with a book in hand at the other end. I swallowed the lump in my throat that formed as we stepped down the last step, watching the woman carefully as her eyes flickered from the Darkling and back to her book without so much as a glance at me.

Her eyes where a darker shade of grey almost like the Darkling's and, she had a brown knitted shawl covering her dark blue dress underneath, "Are you sure this is her?" Baghra scoffed eyes training me up and down from beside Kirigan. Her voice was rough and bitter and very unfriendly. The Darkling sucked in a deep breath, but you could feel the frustration under the surface radiating off of him. 

"Of course, it's her who else would I possibly bring to you," The Darkling retorted, Baghra glanced back at me with skepticism written across her features then looked back to Kirigan, "She doesn't look like much," there was that line again. I felt anger boil up in me, my fist clenching at my sides. What was I supposed to look like? I could already tell these next months were going to be enduring and miserable; I'd already been dreading it ever since those words left Genya's mouth a few days ago. Damn her. I opened my eyes to see Baghra smirking at me, I wanted to glare at her, make a remark but fought against it because what was the point?

"She doesn't have to look like anything. What matters most is that she will save Ravka from destruction," The Darkling snarled at the woman. I'd never seen this side of him before and quiet frankly didn't want to again but I took comfort in his words, He didn't care if I was ugly, he cared that I was going to bring peace back to Ravka. I was dazing at him like my life depended on him, but I shouldn't have been shocked at this point, right? I mean he's treated me like I belong, protected me, and given me shelter under the circumstances, he'd even threatened the Grisha to not harm me, although I think that was kind of a fail, but on my part, it was my fault.

For a moment I thought I heard 'you are destruction' fall from Baghra lips, but I shook my head and ignored it, "You're very stupid for bringing her to me," The woman replied back sharply looking at the Darkling with a hidden glare, "You are the only person I knew that could speed the process of power and time." The Darkling replied with less venomous in his voice this time.

"Patience is power boy," Baghra said grimly, her eyes following mine, "I'll help you but don't expect me to be so gentle. If she is to 'save' us, then I expect her here every waking morning by sun rise until I say she can go." I nodded my head, "But for now show me what you are useful for, girl." She gestured for me to come forward with a curl of her finger, I looked to the Darkling and saw him role his eyes but turned towards me with a slight nod. I felt adrenaline rise up in the pit of my stomach, my thoughts where clawing at me, shouting at me, me alone? I can barely summon a ball of light in my palm, I've tried every night out of curiosity, but nothing ever came.

I took in a shaken breath, turning my gaze away from the Darkling and to the woman again who was tapping her cane impatiently on the ground. The Darkling stepped away from me, as I stepped forward with sweating
palms. I lifted my palms up facing them out wards and closed my eyes, tight in concentration. I tried to think on my power, to call to it, but nothing happened. I tried calling to it again, and again.... demanded for a show. I felt that burning sensation well up in me, but something was different this time, it didn't hurt in fact it was actually calming. I pushed that feeling forwards until I felt it rush through my veins and too my fingertips, spreading them wider. I opened my eyes and saw a small ball of a white light in my palms. I didn't know how to react, didn't know how I had actually done it.

I looked to the Darkling, and he had a look of awe written across his face then I turned to Baghra and, she almost looked as impressed as the darkling but then seconds later her mutual look was back, no sign of impression evident, "Not good enough," I expected as much though. I wasn't going to be getting much encouragement from her, but my guess was that, that's what Genya meant and boy she was was not wrong. The small ball was gone faster than it come, melting away like smoke twirling like shadows until it evaporated into thin air.

She gave a pointed look mumbling, "We'll work on that too," she said before turning to the Darkling. I tilted my head in confusion but didn't say anything. "Tomorrow bright and early." She said before adding. "Now go, Best not to be late to Combat," The Darkling didn't say a word before turning to walk up the stairs. I followed after him but turned my gaze to the woman whose demeanor changed when her eyes were glued to me. She shook her head at me as I followed after him until we mounted our horses and left.

"I'm sorry about her, truly." The Darkling said. I smiled,  pulling at the string of my Kefta, "It's alright, she was quite the peach if you ask me," I laughed, the Darkling's lips turned up  into a smile. "I suppose she is yes." We didn't talk for some time before he broke the silence again.

"Aleksander," He whispered, I looked over to him, "My name is Aleksander," it was random but I understood and got the message. I smiled at him as he looked looked back towards trail.

Once we arrived at the Palace he helped me dismount the horse again, "Thank you." I whispered looking up to his dark eyes, "Aleksander," His eyes sparked when I said his name with something. longing maybe? I didn't know.

To be continued..........

1,206 words written.

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