Chapter Nine

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THE THRONE ROOM WAS THREE STORIES HIGH, The windows sparkled with gold eagles left and right high above. The parqueted floor was bathed in a soft shine that if you looked down you would be able to see your reflection. Walking further into the room alongside the Darkling was somewhat intimidating especially with the stares of other Grisha: Corporalki which wore the crimson red, Etheralki which wore vibrant blue and, Materialki which wore a vibrant purple.

Members of the Ravkan court where lined above a raised throne. Then there were the kings' royal descents; the woman sparkling in gowns of liquid silks with puffed sleeves and low necklines. They all stared me down so intently that I just kept my eyes forward. Atop of a staircase lied two thrones both bathed in gold and silver. I wondered how the Darkling could attract this much attention, but I'd also wondered if it was because he always wore black, and it stood out the most in the First and second army. Mainly because nobody ever wore the color besides him.

The Darkling and I came to stop a couple of steps away from the stairs. He bowed before the two as I stood awkwardly not knowing exactly what to do, I heard some snickers around the room but I couldn't make out what they'd been saying. I looked up to the thrones staring the king down that had been standing. The king was of older age maybe late sixties body slump and skin of age. He was in a military dress, thin sword at his side, narrow chest covered with two medals. The queen had her head tucked into her hand. The queen was younger I noted and beautiful, her hair was a glossy blonde. Her features where cold and lovely at the same time. But there was something odd about her, her irises where too blue, hair too yellow, and skin too smooth. It made me wonder just how much work the maidens or maybe even Genya had done to make her look this perfect. It was disgusting how just one felt like they were above all and just had to make sure she stood out most.

But she was definitely interested in me, probably not my looks though. "Moi tsar," The Darkling's voice echoed through the room loud and clear, the Darkling rose to his feet standing tall.

"General Kirigan," The king gave his acknowledged, but just how close was he with the king? I watched the exchange carefully.

"The girl," The king started. "Is this her?" The king gestured towards me his head tilted. The Darkling glanced at me from the corner of his eye smiling slightly.

"Yes, moi tsar," He took a small step back gesturing towards me. "May I present you, the Shadow and Star Summoner." My eyes shot to his. "Maira Costov," When my name fell from his lips the room broke out into low mumbles. I looked around my surroundings feeling everyone's eyes on me. Was I supposed to react? I didn't know.

My thoughts broke when the Queen spoke. "She doesn't look like much," She looked me up and down, the king agreeing silently but overall, still seeming interested for the most part. I heard the Darkling suck in a harsh breath from beside me.

"She just looks a little.... unadorned." My first clenched at my sides, and I cleared my throat with a silent cough. A reminder that I'm present and not a ghost.

"But enough with that. Tell me girl, what is your power of use to?" Was that serious question? I turned my head to the Darkling, and he nodded. I looked around the room as it was now very silent, panic washing over me when no words formed, Luckily, I was saved from my struggles when the Darkling broke the silence before I embarrassed myself further.

"Destroying the fold, moi Tsar." The Darkling said. "I believe that with time and some proper training we could finally live in peace once more."

The King smiled brightly before nodding. "Yes, yes, agreed." The darkling then stepped forward stretching his arms out wide before bringing them together with a loud clap. The rooms light slowly began to dim in a darkness of swirling shadows that crept the corners turning and swirling amongst each other, creeping until the room was dark.

The darkling turned to me his eyes sparkling in the darkness and took my hand in his, that feeling inside me sparked to life, it rushed throughout my veins prickling at my skin like little needles. I almost gasped out as a bright light shot out of me like a lightning strike and domed overhead with shadows circling and clinging to our bodies. They brushed against my leg like cold air, goosebumps forming over my body. I kept my eyes on the Darkling not wanting to look away. He was trying to suppress a small grin, his facial features shone in the light hair lightly blowing in the wind. My eyes where wide and in awe. I should have been scared of this power, should have wanted to crawl out of my skin, but all I felt was the complete opposite. The light was bright. The color mixed with white and bright blue blinding but in every way perfect.

Gasps and awes filled the room. The people stepping back and covering their eyes from the force. I fought back a smile at the sensation. I never wanted it to go, wanting to feel that power, wanting more. The Darkling's hand slipped out of mine and before the power could grow stronger it was gone like smoke. The darkness fading away into the falls and air, light creeping back through the windows, but everyone was quiet. Too quiet for my liking. The Darkling flashed me a small smile before turning back to the King and Queen.

Even their mouths were agape. The King got to his feet slowly and took two large steps closer to the stairs. And began clapping in unison "In all my years of life I've never encountered something so unique," The King started, "She will bring peace to our nation,  be our key to safety." I never thought I would see a King act so genuine. Maybe he does have a heart. I thought bitterly.

It grew quiet again before the Queen asked, "How long?" She asked the Darkling.

"As long as it takes for her to grow stronger." The Darkling responds back. "But—" he stopped turning to the Grisha. "Ms. Costov will be training with you all. But.... if I hear that if any of you are using your power on her in any harming way: You'll be sent out of Os Alta and into confinement elsewhere until you can control your anger. She is one of us now and she is stronger than you. I do not want her hurt before she can destroy the fold." He rose his voice threateningly.

Before they could protest the Darkling was turning back to the King. "Very well, Your excused General." The Darkling bowed again, turning back to the doors, putting his hand onto the small of my back and leading me away.

"Welcome home, Maira." The Darkling said as a crowd of Blue Kefta Grisha began to surround me. He smiled, walking up ahead. I watched after him, being suddenly drawn into a hug by someone.

"Welcome home." Her skin was dark but eyes bright and blue. I smiled at her shaking my head. "I'm Marie." She spoke. Another hand grabbed at me hugging me. "The names Nadia. I'm a Inferni." Her hair was a dark brown like mine with bright eyes skin pale, but she was beautiful. Before I could reply Genya was making her way through the crowd of people grabbing at my arm and taking me towards the doors.

"Good Saints that was amazing. Everyone's going to be talking about you." She said as soon as we'd walked out of the doors. "The king and queen seemed pleasant enough." Genya rolled her eyes slapping my arm.

"Believe me the Queen is twice as bad as the king is." I scoffed but smiled.

"Anyways...... you began training with the Grisha tomorrow so I need to take your Kefta size so I can begin working on it." She spoke.

I nodded my head. Genya walked me back to my chambers at the little palace and took my measurements. She stayed for a while after that and talked and joked around with me. It was comforting since I didn't have Mal here with me, but I knew and expected letters from him. He wouldn't just leave me hanging. He wouldn't.

I lied in the bed the following night looking up at the chandelier overhead smiling. I could get use to this. Maybe being here wasn't going to be so bad.

To be continued......

1,630 words written.

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