Chapter Sixteen

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MY HEART WAS BEATING RAPIDLY IN MY CHEST the closer I got to Aleksander's chambers. I didn't know why I was anxious, maybe it was because I hadn't seen him since last week? I hopped it was that, but I also had my doubts. I stood in front of his doors, crossing and uncrossing my arms. I sighed out in frustration after standing there for a few seconds longer than I actually intended to before reaching forward and hooking my hand around the knob.

I went to turn the knob but before I could the door was yanked open, I gasped out silently eyes widening before looking up to Aleksander. "My apologies, I didn't not mean to frighten you." He said eyeing me. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked ignoring him. His head tilted but a small smile graced his lips, he almost looked amused. "Not long, why?" He asked his brows furrowed.

I blinked before shaking my head with a nervous laugh, "No worries," He stepped aside opening the door wider gesturing for me to enter. I'd never gotten a look at his chamber before, but it was definitely smaller then i had thought it to be. The room was an emerald green with polished brown tiled flooring that shimmered in the sunlight. Bookshelves lined the wall along with a large round table settling in the middle of the room with parchments sprawled out along with a map-out of the fold. I walked towards the table and let my fingers run over the map. "The king thinks that by winter the fold will be vanished." Aleksander said coming up the stand beside me.

"He's so sure," I said glancing up at him. "I don't necessarily blame him though," Aleksander said with his jaw clenched. "It's just—" he paused with a huff, "We've been waiting for someone like you for a very long time, Maira. And i know everyone has come off rather harsh with the need to rush you into all this training but...." I turned to him, "But— We need the fold gone, I need the fold gone." His jaw clenched again. I knew what he was referring to, but I didn't think I could...... I haven't gotten anywhere with summoning... it's almost useless. But I didn't want him to think I was weak.... Even though I was. I didn't want to fail him; he'd been through so much pain... I just couldn't risk it.

"I'm confident enough to think you'll be strong enough by then.... But— no one can ever be so sure," He finished. I reached for him but midway stopped to pull back. His facial expressions turned within seconds, but there was still something behind his eyes that I didn't think I could ever read. He turned to me a small smile on his lips, "How has training with Baghra been?" He asked softly leaning his lower body against the table. I huffed, "She's not the nicest individual instructor to have, that's for starters." I deadpanned. He let out a soft laugh, "You'll get used to it... trust me." He sighed.

"I asked you here specifically for of two reasons...." He sucked in a breath. "Firstly a few days back i received a letter from Kribirsk.... the trackers unit specifically.... It had caught my attention that you have a friend in that division... is this correct?" Mal? Why? Did something happen? I felt a wave of panic course through me at the thought. I nodded, "Yes. yes... is everything okay? Is he alright?" My voice shook, palms turning to sweat.

"Yes... everything is fine." He huffed, but there was more. "The Lieutenant was informed that the borders to Ravka had been destroyed and that a few sightings of Fjerdan soldiers have crossed into our lands. In this case I would take responsibility and have the west unit handle this formally but— the king sent out the unit that had your friend in it.... Which I'm sorry for by the way. Without informing me, which puts a lot of lives at risks and puts me in a bad position because I have it all in my signature. By the end of this month saints knows how bad this outbreak will be because they know that we have you and they will kill you at the stake if they find you." He said sharply.

I was shocked by this information; I was scared for Mal. I wanted him to be safe, prayed him to be safe. But at the same time, I knew Mal could handle this... I knew he could... he'd done this more than once. But something in the pit of my stomach knew something was off. I turned my gaze to Aleksander, "Why would he do that?" I felt anger towards the King though, I didn't know why he'd done it. I didn't think the king to be that heartless but then again, he'd done worse in the past. But still he would put everyone's life at risk to save his own; not necessarily carrying for the Country he's in.

Aleksander snorted, "I'd say because he cares little for his country and that he'd prefer the poor to defend his little heart rather than himself," he said bitterly. I hummed in agreement. I wouldn't have come to as a surprise if this was the Kings intentions; but at the same time, it made me wonder if he really would do such a rash thing for his own safety rather than his peoples. "Sounds like a petulant child's play—" I mumbled. "Too caught up in his jurisdictions and parliamentary play rather than trying to defend the country he should have no rule over." I shook my head; Aleksander looked at me from the corner of his eye as his lips twitched.

"I'm glad we both have that view on him." He laughed under his breath. He turned to me still leaning up in the table, "Secondly—" I watched the gears in his eyes turn; I'd never seen him struggle before, but it was amusing. "I was wondering.... If you would like to have dinner with me tomorrow evening," I was surprised at how nonchalantly he said those words when just seconds ago he seemed to be struggling. My mouth opened and closed; My stomach fluttered as my cheeks heated. I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came.

I closed my mouth and gulped down the lump in my throat before putting on a smile, "I— I would like that very much." I stammered with a nervous laugh. His smile grew as his body relaxed.

A cough was heard from the door; Me and Aleksander looked over and there stood Ivan who looked very uncomfortable. "Sir the King request your presence immediately." Aleksander sighed but nodded. "Thank you, Ivan," He nodded and walked out the door before turning back to me. "Have a good night, Maira." He whispered before grasping my hand in his and placing a kiss on my palm. I blushed a deep shade of red but thankfully he'd already turned away and rushed out of the door.

My brain screamed at me: What the hell was that? What the hell was that? I was completely flushed, breath staggered. I breathed in and out for a few moments before turning to walk out the door. Been then the thought hit me was this a date?

To be continued.....

1,300 words written.

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