Chapter Twenty-Six

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IT DIDN'T TAKE ME LONG TO GET BACK TO THE LITTLE PALACE AND TO ALEKSANDER'S CHAMBERS that afternoon, but when I did, I was met by the sound of arguing from the other side. Who was he talking to? I slowly crept over to the door and curiosity let my head rest against the hard surface.

"We have sent out a search party to western Ravka as the stag has been recently spotted there." An unknowns persons voice said from the other side. "Are you sure it was the stag? People can always simply mistake creatures such as a deer for the stag, it happens all the time." This voice was Aleksander.

I furrowed my brows, "A group of first army soldiers were recently there and it was confirmed that the animal was the stag," The anonymous voice yet again spoke. "They are so sure." Aleksander said in a somewhat skeptic tone.

"And may I ask who this certain soldier was?" Aleksander asked. "He says he's the best friend of Maira Costov."

My stomach dropped, all the moisture in my mouth suddenly disappeared and I almost couldn't breathe. But at the same time relief filled me from head to toe. Mal. So, he hadn't forgotten about me. I had to contain myself from letting out a small laugh of excitement.

I shook my head once I realized now wasn't the time to think about him though, as sadly as it was, I was determined to understand what Aleksander and the anonymous person was talking about. All I know is that Mal and a few other trackers had come close enough to the stag. But why was Aleksander trying to get the stag? What value did it have to him?

"Will he continue on with our search party then?" The anonymous man asked, "He is one of the best hunters in Ravka. I think he would help get it faster than a Grisha alone."

"And what of the girl? Has her training improved?" Said the anonymous man again, "Maira has succeeded wonderfully in her training, but she's still nowhere near good enough to destroying the fold."

The anonymous man's voice almost sounded worried as he spoke again, "How long do you think we have?"

"Another two or three months at the most, but that all depends on her." Aleksander responded. "General the king is getting impatient. I don't think we have that much longer. The fold has continued to grow stronger since we found Ms. Costov,"

"I'm well aware that the fold strengths every living day, but so does Maira," Aleksander replied. "And she needs time, so you can go tell the king that Maira's improvement is what matters most right now." He addressed so in annoyance. "Not his impatience."

"Yes General." The man said. "Will that be all for now?"

"Yes, you may take your leave Simon." Aleksander said to 'Simon''.

I moved away from the door as it opened, I closed my eyes awaiting to be addressed by the anonymous Simon, but he had already begun his walk down the opposite hall. I let out sigh of relief before making my way into Aleksander's chambers.

I looked around in search of him once I was past the threshold, but he was nowhere in sight. I wandered further into his chambers until I was right at the door that led into his bedroom and stepped into it without thinking.

His bedroom was quite small for a high ranked Generals, and he didn't have many decorations, but I didn't mind. He was busy most days after all. I wandered around his bed and blushed at the thought that only a day and a half ago we had— stop it Maira! now is not the time for thinking about that.

I was about to turn and walk away from Aleksander's bed when he came out of another door, which must have been his bathing room. He was fixing the sleeves of his Kefta when he looked up and noticed my presence.

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