Chapter Twenty-Eight

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ALEKSANDER HAD BEEN GONE FOR A LITTLE OVER A WEEK WHEN THE FJERDANS SOLDIERS arrived into Os Alta, locked away in confinement beneath the Grand Palace grounds, interrogation started hours afterwards. I didn't know much other than the fact that they had started referring themselves to as holy warriors of Fjerda. When I heard that I scoffed; of course, they did. Before I'd known I was Grisha I hadn't known much about the Fjerdans or Shu Han. That was two months ago when I was weaker and didn't really understand the world, I lived in.

Now when I looked back at myself from then, I didn't really know what to think myself as. Weak, almost pathetic maybe. I did know that I didn't miss being a cartographer anymore. I did at first, but then I realized I was no longer a first army soldier. I was an Etherealki. A shadow and star summoner. Not a scrawny little girl.


I continued on training with Baghra and Boykin throughout the days since Aleksander left. I didn't really have time to miss him, I was constantly training in combat, spending time with Marie and Nadia, or training with Baghra. I hadn't really been able to see Genya except for in the mornings when she would come to ready me for the day. Being as the queen had her stashed away for her own sake and sanity.


Baghra was stalking around me again, watching as a beam of light formed into my palm. "Again," she said, pacing in front of me now. I summoned another beam, then two, then three beams formed crystallizing each other in my palm lingering above one another.

"I want to see that shield." Baghra broke my thoughts, facing me, palms tucked into her chin. I pushed that light above me, stretching my arms wide as the two beams shielded on both sides of our bodies, I watched for a reaction out of Baghra but all she did was stare at me unimpressed, "If you think for a second that this is going to do you any good, you are surly mistaken." She stated grimly, hands falling to her sides as she stepped closer to me.

And there it was, after moments of waiting for something snark, "I want to see those shadows of yours too," she said, I pulled both arms towards my sternum, watching as the gust of shadows came fourth, unyielding and melting through the crack of my light, until they pooled beneath our feet. "Create a shield using both."

I paused looking up to her, brows furrowed, "We haven't done that yet though," I said. Baghra smirked, "Do it."

I pulled my arms together, crisscrossing each other, then pulled them apart. The shadows slowly climbed up the arch; until they connected overhead, shielding the light. "Good girl," Baghra hummed.

I pulled my arms away, crisscrossing them again, the light and the shadows falling away from each other until they evaporated into the air. "Very good." Baghra nodded, the small smirk on her lips growing again.

"I can see that you are making progress," Baghra started, "but you still have long ways to go before you are able to destroy the fold."

I nodded, "Kirigan said the same," Baghra's eyes grew darker, "He did, did he," she said grimly.

The grim look on her face brought a sudden need to confront her, to protect Aleksander, "Why do you hate him?" I asked, though it came out more demanding than I meant it to sound.

Baghra paused, looking away, "He's your son, isn't he? Why?"

Baghra looked back over to me, "That boy was never my son, the son I had died a long time ago. When the fold was created."

I watched her as she moved to stand, "that boy has done a lot of damage to this world, things that you don't even know about girl,"

She walked over to the fire, "but I bet he hasn't told you the whole truth, hasn't he?" I sighed, "All I've been told was that he has done horrible things, that he regrets it and wishes he could fix everything back together."

"That's where you are wrong, he's manipulating you, trying to make you see a weak boy," she looked over her shoulder and hissed.

I shook my head, "every word that come to out of your mouth is a lie," I hissed.

Baghra scoffed, "I've warned you, time and time again that he was dangerous, but you still keep going back to him." Baghra shook her head, "I've given you enough hints, why do you refuse to believe me?" 

I got to my feet then, striding over to her, "Because he has let me see glimpse of his past through his eyes, he has shown me things about himself no one would ever understand."

"You are weak minded," Baghra snickered, turning to face me. "One of these days you're going to see what he has in store for you and then you'll believe me."

"I'll love him even then," I hissed. Baghra stopped, "You are already trapped in his game."

"And when he finds the amplifier, he'll use it to control you. He doesn't care about you; he cares about power." I shook my head.

"Your wrong! Everything he's doing is because he loves me! He told me himself! He's even out their right now getting the amplifier!" I chanted, moving away.

A small part of me wanted to believe her, that she was right. But at the same time Aleksander would never use me, he's told me he would do anything for me.

"You don't even understand what you are risking," She said, venom in her voice, "You are not supposed to end up under his control, you are meant to destroy him."

"I can't stop you from loving him, but I will protect you from what he plans to do." She stepped closer to me, her eyes growing sincere, "I can't make you believe now, but hopefully when your senses kick in you will."

"You are meant to be a saint girl; Sankt Ilya wrote about it in his prophecy. You are meant to be known as the savior of Ravka," She grasped my hand, pulling me closer, "start believing it."

"You can't hide in the shadows forever," She finished, releasing my hand.

"Now go," she said, "You've got training with Boykin."


After training with Boykin, I went back to my room and sank into the comfort of my bed. I thought about Baghra's words to me, about the things she said about Aleksander. I didn't want to believe her; he'd done and showed so much to me in my time here over the past two months. I wanted to believe him, but a small part of me wondered if what Baghra told me was true. Why would she tell me all of this now and not when I arrived.

I didn't want to think about it, so that night I went to bed with my brain fogged and the thought of it at ease. I guess I'll know if it's true soon, or maybe I won't.

Words written:

Kinda cringy but I wanted to get it out of the way for the week! So, enjoy. Comment if you like it!

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