Levi Ackerman x Male Reader - Chapter 7

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"Stand to attention, Dogsbody", the Captain snapped suddenly. "Wait here facing my desk. Do not turn around. This is an order!" He said as he turned away from me.

"Yes, Sir! "I yelped out. I was reeling from what just happened, my head a mess with questions as I stood with my hand across my chest, clenched fist at my heart, the other behind my back in the customary salute.

Staring fixedly straight ahead, I focussed on the plain door to the Captains chambers, and tried not to let my curiosity to get the better of me. My heart was still beating like a battering ram against my ribcage after the altercation with the Captain. I tried to justify what I had just experienced, but I felt confused and disoriented. I didn't understand why the Captain was treating me this harshly, as though he wished to make me suffer for some reason, which only added to my fears of inadequacy. I couldn't figure out if he wanted complete compliance from me , or defiance since anything I did seemed to anger him more. I felt burdened with self-doubt , and worry over this new position. I had mistakingly thought my steadfast acceptance was a mark of a good soldier willing to face anything. I frowned hard, dealing with the building headache forming at my brow from the intense concentration . A knot in my stomach formed as I questioned if I could handle being the Captain's Dogsbody. Despite my best attempts to rationalise the Captain's motives, I was anxiously aware that this situation was not good. The problem was, I didn't know how to petition release from the role.

Levi slammed his hand onto my shoulder, causing me to flinch from the impact, his fingers digging in painfully. I felt him step close behind me almost pressing his hips against my backside, causing me to tense up. I didn't dare look back over my shoulder and make eye contact after the order to face away. My heart picked up speed as the Captain leaned in, his breath blew against the small hairs on the back of my neck, and what he said that sent a shiver down my spine.

"You will not speak unless spoken too. Understand?", The Captain growled close to my ear, "Do not move from this position , and keep your eyes forward," he reminded me. Slowly, he walked around me, watching me carefully, "I need to gather the requested items for Commander Erwin from the private room. I would normally send you from my office, but I figure this will be a simple test of obedience." he said as his hand slid down my back, "Don't give me a reason to beat obedience into you, Mutt. Somethings can only be made obedient through violence though."

I swallowed hard hearing the threat, certain he would have little qualms about beating me into subservience. After the altercation with the Captain, I was scared of angering him, so committed to keeping my mouth shut. I dared not follow him with my eyes as he circled me, focusing on the wall ahead of me as i stood firmly in the salute position. I felt great relief when Levi moved to the locked private room behind me. I didn't falter in my position when I heard the jingle of keys , and the click of locks on the door behind me. It was obvious by the many locked pieces of furniture in the Captain's chambers, that privacy was the most important. I wasn't about to incur the Captain's wrath again for my curiosity to see what was inside the room behind me. However, my imagination ran wild listening to the thuds and clanks, which only added fuel to the intrigue. What was the Captain doing inside of the room, and why was he so secretive? I wondered if it was something frightening, like Titan trophies from his fights in battle, though conceded that would be more likely in Hange's laboratory. A shudder ran down my spine, imagining Hange's workspace filled with jars of specimens , and grotesque titan parts on display like some horrifying museum.

Finally, the Captain returned to the main office, thoroughly locking the door to the private room behind him. I could feel his eyes on me like the point of a sword digging into my back. I held my breath, unsure if I was supposed to say something, sweat winding its way down my temple, wondering if I should speak. I tensed up when I heard the thud of boots across the wooden floor behind me as the Captain marched past. The rustle of papers in his desk directly in front of me was distracting. The temptation to watch what he was doing was there but self perseverance was stronger. I tried to ignore the noises of the Captain gathering things around the room. Even without looking his way, I knew the Captain would be watching for any sign of disobedience.

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