Levi Ackerman X Male Reader: Chapter 16

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It felt like I had only just closed my eyes, when I woke up with a cry as cold water was dumped on top of me. Sitting bolt upright, I looked around in shock hearing Eren react too, and Jean yelling as he was woken with the same method.

"Ugh! What the...!" I cried out, seeing the burry shadows of a group of people looming over us.

Before I had even wiped the freezing water from my eyes, I was grabbed by someone and roughly dragged from the soaking wet bed.

"Get off me!" Eren's voice was heard as he was yanked away and handcuffed, a bag pulled over his head.

"Fuck off you assholes!" Jean hollered, kicking out at the assailants but was soon restrained and subdued by the many hands.

I struggled in their grasp but there were too many. Each of the soldiers had black masks obscuring their features except from their mouths and eyes, in an intimidating way. I had little time before I too was cuffed and bagged, pulled insistently from the cell by the silent men. Bound, I was dragged from the cells, my captors showing no mercy as they hauled me away, accompanied by the yells from Eren and Jean still fighting.

Even though Eren had warned me about the masks designed to hide their identities, it was still startling to see. The soldiers would obviously find it impractical to continue to fight together after a Hunt, knowing what their peers did. Their silence adding to the anxiety of the situation as we were manhandled and pulled in an unknown direction bound and blind. The soldiers firm grips on my arms and back of my neck, forcing me in a direction I didn't want to go. With each passing moment, the reality of my abduction sank in, filling me with a sense of dread and uncertainty.

I could smell horses and hear the sounds of their hooves on the ground before I was shoved inside of a cart, landing face down next to someone else. Fear gnawed at my insides, I refused to succumb to despair as the cart set off into the night. The rough terrain jolted and bumped beneath us.

"Eren? Jean?" I whispered out, "You ok? Speak to me!" I ask breathing hard.

"Yeah... don't worry about me (Y/n)" Eren's nervous voice spoke back to my right, "I will be... ok" he sighed heavily.

I wished I could ease some of the anxiety he was feeling and I was sharing, my insides tightened.

"Im here" Jeans dejected voice said to my left, "I can't do this..." he said sounding on the verge of tears.

"Quiet! No talking!" One of the military soldiers hissed,

With every ounce of strength I possessed, I resolved to defy the Hunt and fight for my freedom, no matter the cost.

"You Immoral Bastards!" I yelled out, struggling against the bonds, "How can you do this to a fellow soldier! It's wrong!" I tried to move but I was pushed face down again by one of the military, being treated as enemy prisoners.

"Shut the fuck up!" Another military soldiers growled out, kicking my side repeatedly.

I grunted and grimaced, curling up into a ball as their heavy boot crashed into my side. I groaned deeply, feeling the pain radiate from my sides but before I could say another word the cart lurched to a stop. Suddenly we were dragged out of the cart by our feet, landing on the ground before roughly being forced to stand and dragged away. Each step sent a jolt of pain coursing through my weary body, my senses dulled by the haze of exhaustion and fear. Desperate I struggled against my captors, but their grip was firm and harsh. Where were they taking us? What fate awaited us at the hands of the military? The uncertainty gnawed at my resolve, threatening to erode my tentative courage with each passing moment.

I didn't know where Eren of Jean was, disoriented by the changing directions. I then felt the binds tying my arms released, then the canvas bag was tugged away before I was shoved forward on to my knees on a hard floor of a dark empty room. The only light coming from the full moon shining through the windows. I braced myself for the ordeal that awaited me. However, when I looked back, I was alone, the door was slammed shut giving me no indication as to who or how many had brought me here. I was in shock for a few moments, staring about the location feeling panicked inside, my heart racing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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