Levi Ackerman X Male Reader Chapter 5

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How did I get to this point? Having Eren Jaeger supporting my weight with my arm slung over his shoulder was not something I wanted to happen. After I froze seeing his Titan form, my true cowardice had reared its ugly head. I felt humiliated and embarrassed, I did not want him to assist me, but it seemed like I had little choice. I would have resisted vehemently, but I was too exhausted after the gruelling physical activity of the day, so I decided to grin and bear the indignity. It was then that I stumbled over my own feet, the adrenaline slump had hit me hard.

"Ugh! Shit!" I grumbled out, tripping up and almost falling but Eren caught me before I crumbled to the ground, which only served to annoy me more by highlighting my own inadequacy,

"Hold on! I've got you (Y/n)!" Eren said, holding tight to me "You look really pale..." he commented, "You just need some rest."

"Yeah... pale with shock seeing your true side" I mumbled slyly under my breath, turning my face away unconcerned if Eren heard or not.

I was feeling stunned and internally numb by what had just happened. I hadn't fully registered who I was meeting when Eren had shifted from his Titan form. Now, as he carried some of my weight, the situation's gravity weighed heavily on me. Eren was a Titan. The Hideous, terrifying monsters that destroyed lives as mindless human eating machines. It felt disgusting to be next to someone like Eren, not knowing which side he was on. Just being near him now made my skin crawl. I kept sneaking glances at him as he assisted me, trying to figure out how a titan could manifest from a human. My brows scrunched up when flashbacks came rushing to the surface, remembering the petrifying titans that destroyed my home, my family. Were those Titans regular people just like Eren? It was a terrifying thought that the enemy was one of us. I found myself slyly scowling at Eren from the corner of my eye suspiciously. It was like I was disrespectful to my family's memory being helped by him, the thought of betraying them, making me queazy.

Eren readjusted his grip on my arm, slung over his shoulder when his hand came to enclose around the leather cuff on my wrist. The ring that my Father had given me as an heirloom intricately woven into the thick leather band. He looked curiously at it, turning my wrist to see the design more closely as we walked.

"Do you always wear this?" Eren broke the silence between us, gripping my wrist and examining it with a furrowed brow, "The Captain has strict rules regarding valuables and jewellery" he pointed out. Eren waited for a response, but I resolutely stared away from him with gritted teeth, "If you have something like this on the battlefield and lose it, you become a liability. You will probably have to take it off." he cautioned.

I looked up in a panic, my stomach dropping thinking I may be ordered not to wear it anymore. How could I reveal the true meaning behind the ring woven into the leather bracelet? It pained me to think I would have to remove it from my wrist when it had been the one connection, my family. The bracelet reminded me never to forget what my parents sacrificed when the Titans destroyed the wall, Maria. My heart was aching along with my body, from the painful memories of what I had lost. I had always been so careful to keep the cuff hidden from Superior officers in case they confiscated it.

"I don't care what the rules are. I won't take it off," I said tightly, "My father gave it to me before the Titans attacked Shiganshima", I said slowly, "It's woven into the leather so it won't get lost, so I don't need your concern, Jaeger. Besides, I wouldn't feel right removing it no matter who demanded it," I said with determination, "Listen... it's sentimental to me. It's a symbol and important one" I trailed off, not wanting to reveal so much about myself.

My fist tightened as I pulled it out of Eren's hold. I didn't fully trust the Titan shifter and was concerned he would betray me the superior officers. Eren stared at me as though trying to figure me out. He was shaking his head slightly from side to side in an obvious disagreement.

Attack on Titan - Yandere Levi Ackerman X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now