Levi Ackerman x Male Reader : Chapter 10

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Slowly I came round from unconsciousness lethargically. My muscles twitching and stirring as I frowned , shifting uncomfortably. My body was aching all over, causing me to screw my face up, noticing my cheek throbbed intensely. My memories were fuzzy at first, until it came rushing back to me painfully like a fist pounding my heart. Mikasa Ackerman had beaten me mercilessly with a look in her eyes that seemed out to kill. There was no holding back as she had pummelled me into the ground with such power, I had little time to react or defend myself. It hurt to see the apathetic look and resolve in Mikasa's eyes as she laid into me without a second thought. It was as if she was hyper focussed on the task of destroying me. I had come to really like Mikasa and foolishly had hoped for more than friendship from her but after that incident when she ignored the mercy signal, it was hard not to take the hint. It was difficult to process or understand why she had continued to beat me, needing the Captain to rescue me from her vengeance, leaving me with many questions. How had she gone from being somewhat friendly, even appreciative following the training, to such a frightening shift in personality?  It was after the Captain had said something to her.  I knew in my gut that the Captain had purposefully set that fight up so I would fail.

I was then reminded that the Captain had punched me hard after my defiance. Recalling acutely the humiliating altercation in front of the other soldiers by someone I had respected. In such a short time of meeting the Captain, the fantasy ideal of what I thought he would be like had come to be drastically different to the harsh reality. How easy had respect become resentment? I then remembered the conversation I had overheard between the Captain and Hange. At first I had thought Levi was talking about keeping Eren from fighting, but the more I thought about it, I started to feel uneasy that it was me he was talking about instead. My emotions were all mixed up and twisted inside of me, leaving me deeply conflicted. What did I really think of the Captain after everything he had subjected me too? I didn't know what to feel.

I then had a wave of guilt hit me, knowing I had building resentment towards the Captain. I told myself, I should never forget that Levi Ackerman had been the one to kill the Titan that had destroyed my family when Wall Rose fell, and took me to safety, becoming my hero from that day forth. I had to stop this persecution complex that was clouding my judgement of the Captain, questioning his motives at every turn. Touching my cheek wincing, I felt a bandage had been applied to my skin, making me wonder if I had been cut when the Captain had punched me. Why did I talk back to the Captain in front of my peers? What was I thinking to show such disrespectful attitude? I groaned deeply, covering my face with both hands, wanting to rewind time. I felt conflicted by my opposing opinions on the Captain, struggling with my internal monologue that told me to respect him but also a part of me resented him for his actions. It was impossible to square the clashing thoughts about him in my head, leaving me deeply confused.

Opening my eyes, the brightness of the room made me groan, needing to become accustomed to the light. I realised I was laying flat on a bed but I didn't recognise immediately where I was. Casting my eyes around the room, there were green curtains surrounding my bed and a tray on a table near my bed filled with some bloody pads, gauze and needle with thread as well as other first aid medical items. It seemed I had been brought to some kind of infirmary I hadn't been too before, after I had been knocked out by the Captain. Looking down my body, I had been stripped to my waist, my torso bandaged up over some dark bruising on my stomach and ribs, along with a cut that had been stitched on my chest. My boots had been removed and straps for the multi directional gear as well. I tried to shift into a more comfortable position and felt my calves and thighs ache, no doubt from running so hard during the training exercise.

The bandages Eren had applied to my ankle was still in place, yet it was no longer aching as much, making me wonder if the balm he had used was the responsible for helping reduce the swelling. It was strange how I had gone from hating Eren to mutual respect and even helping him out when Jean had attacked him. I never would have thought our relationship would have come so far so quickly in such a short span of time. There was an understanding that had developed between us, both recognising the troubles and tribulations of being a dogsbody. Could I even consider Eren Jaeger a comrade in arms and maybe in the future, a friendship? Was it possible for me to put aside my hatred of Titans so soon after meeting Eren? There was a drive and determination that I admired in Eren, despite what he was put through daily in the name of expanding humanity's understanding of Titans. I could only imagine what he was subjected too, thanks to Hange's graphic details that would haunt me forever. Even though he suffered so much, Eren showed he wasn't going to give up, no matter what. How could I not respect his courage, something I strived for but often failed to achieve. Perhaps it was healthy competition and rivalry that I found intriguing about Eren, pushing me to do better too.

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