Levi Ackerman X Male Reader: Chapter 3

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I walked away from the Captain as fast as my aching legs could carry me. Keeping my sight set on the shower block ahead, I resisted the urge to glance behind me.  I felt like he was watching me, a feeling akin to a tightening noose around my neck increasing anxiety tenfold. The lactic acid burned in my muscles, making them shake with each step I took. They felt like they were made of dough, barely able to carry my weight. I didn't want to fall flat on my face, so made a concerted effort to maintain my composure on my way to the shower block. I nearly collapsed through the door of the building, needing to lean against the walls to steady myself, struggling towards a bench. The adrenaline and endorphins were making me feel dizzy and high, my chest sore from breathing heavily. I was relieved that today was free time to train, study or rest up for the tests the next day. If I had been expected to do combat training or exercise, I think I would have puked from the exertion.

Sitting on the hard wooden bench only momentarily brought relief, before the multitude of throbbing welts caused by the riding crops lashes awoke with vigour. I winced with a sharp intake of startled breath but was too tired to stand up despite my best efforts. Squirming uncomfortably on the spot, I managed to find a position that didn't cause too much pain, by pulling a towel from my bag and sitting on the softer surface. Looking down at my mud covered clothing, it was as if I had been dragged through a muddy field on a rope.

"What the fuck just happened?" I sighed heavily "What the Hell did I do? " I said in exasperation.

Leaning my elbows on my knees, I bent forward to cover my face with both hands, my head trying to process what just occurred. Captain Levi Ackerman, my hero, had chastised me almost to my limit with a tool used for horses, whilst degrading me without leniency. It was not something I had prepared myself for as a Cadet, nor was I able to come to terms with such. I stared in disbelief down at the now muddy footprints I had made on the floor tiles, playing the encounter over in my head repeatedly, trying to figure out what went wrong. How did I incur such wrath from the one person I deeply respected? Looking at my hands and nails caked in dirt, I noticed how much they were shaking badly from the shock of the experience. This was not how I had wanted to meet again the man I owed my life too and certainly not ever anger humanities strongest soldier on first meeting. The thought of pissing off Captain Levi, caused me to groan heavily with regret, slumping back against the cold brick walls, shaking my head at myself for being so damned obstinate talking back to him. I was disappointed in my behaviour, questioning my own sanity.

The only saving grace was the promise of the scout regiment test early tomorrow morning. I was lucky to be given the chance to try out for this regiment considering my actions and disrespectful tongue. This opportunity was the most important trial of my life and one which I didn't want to fail. I had to be selected for Captain Levi's Scout Regiment and prove to the army, to my fellow soldiers, my superiors that I had what it took. Today, I would rest my tired body and not push myself any further with training. Whatever I would face tomorrow morning would be nothing compared to fighting the real threat to humanity, so no matter how hard the test would be, I would face it head-on even though the prospect was nerve-wracking. If I wasn't prepared and ready now, after months of preparation I would never be, I told myself, trying to bluff my own frightened psyche into believing that since I felt nervous from the pit if my stomach. There was no point in worrying about what could be, only to try my hardest and see what happens, I repeated in my head needing to remind myself to remain level headed.

With a deep grunt of effort, I forced myself to stand up on to my wobbly legs that ached all over. My body, it seems had be worked harder than ever experienced, I thought, as I moved over to the other side of the expansive shower block. The riding crop had carved deep lines of throbbing sharp pain into my skin making me walk somewhat gingerly. Gripping the edge of the long metal sink that ran along one wall, I stared at myself in the cracked mirror, startled to see just how filthy I really was. My hair was caked with mud that coated every strand of my (H/c) hair colour, my entire body was covered in dirt that was drying on my skin, my clothing clung wet to my body and the colour of the fabric unrecognizable. Staring at my filthy reflection, I cringed recalling the brutal names the Captain called me, feeling each one like the lash of a whip.

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