Levi Ackerman x male reader : Chapter 13

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((Warning: scenes of non consent and sexual scenes that may trigger))

I couldn't fully take in everything Levi had told me. My mind racing with so many questions about my father. Levi seemed insistent on pursuing me despite my resistance and now I was in this lewd position bent over the mess hall table. I strained and resisted but he pinned my hands behind my back, holding me down with little effort.

"You're refusing me?" Levi groaned out as I struggled, "Didn't I tell you that you belong to me? "

"Sir! You cant do this here!" I implored, "What if someone walks in? Your reputation?" I asked, looking back at him.

Levi pressed up behind me, his free hand smoothing over my hip and down to grope my crotch, causing me to stiffen in shock.

"I would let them watch" Levi revealed calmly as I stared in panic, "That way people would understand what is mine" he said simply, "I always need to mark my property. It seems no matter what I do, some assholes like Phil and Waltz think they can touch what belongs to me" he sighed,

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I tried to buck him away from him but he tightened his steel like grip over my balls and cock, crushing them in his fists making my eyes water.

"Uhh!! Did you... do to something to Phil and Waltz... because of me?" I gasped out in discomfort, "The hunt has been ordered...uh... because they are missing. If you return them, the Hunt.... wont need to go ahead!"

The Captain grabbed my hair, arching me backwards, his hips connected to mine from behind. I was restrained and unable to move in this compromising position and he knew it.

"Why do you care about what happens to them?" Levi demanded, "I got rid of a problem for you. You should be grateful." he growled close to my ear making me cringe, "What does it matter to you if those idiots are Titan food? Huh? They were bullying you for fuck sake" his voice became deadly, "I cant stand the thought of any other man except me touching you"

My head was mixed up with what he had confessed, wondering what he did to them but also not wanting to hear the grusome details.

"So you do have something to do with their disappearance!" I yelled out, grimacing with how he immobilised me, "I am going to be put into the hunt because of you! If Waltz and Phil are still alive, just let them go and all of this madness will be over! If you don't , the military police will do what they want to me. You know that!" I tried to reason.

The Captain abruptly released his hold on my body, the sudden action made me slam hard against the wooden table unable to protect my fall. The impact winding me as I groaned in pain, struggling to get a breath. The Captain stared down at me in silence as I rolled on my back and hugged my stomach, gasping for air.

"You have no idea what I have done for you" Levi stated in a flat voice, "They soon found out what happens when they touch what doesnt belong to them" he said without remorse, "You might not understand now but you will thank me later. Besides, you need not worry about the Hunt. I have already decided how I will protect you from being entered"

All of a sudden, Levi snatched up my lower face and leaned in extremely close to scrutinise my features with a heavy frown, face to face. I held my breath, unsure what to do or say, my eyes wide with anxiety.

"What's this bruising developing on your face?" Levi demanded, "I didn't mark you here. What have you been doing behind my back, Boy?"

"Ugh! Thats not... It's a misunderstanding!" I insisted, closing my eyes tight, "It was just a disagreement. Thats all!"

"Hmm? What are you hiding from me, Mutt?" Levi said in a sinister tone, causing me to flash my eyes wide open, "Let's see. Who do I need to eliminate?" he glared down at me, "Was it the damned brat again? The Commander said he saw you both entering and leaving the toilets together. Did you get into a lovers argument?" he asked releasing my face, his upper lip curling with annoyance.

Attack on Titan - Yandere Levi Ackerman X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now