Levi Ackerman x male reader : Chapter 14

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The first thing I feel is discomfort like a prickly thorn that lingers in my skin, rousing me from my unconscious state. I was sitting on a hard wooden chair but I didn't know where I had been brought too after Hange had drugged me with something. I couldn't see anything, feeling a cloth covering my eyes, locking me in darkness.

I tried to speak, however my mouth was filled with a wet cloth and a cleve gag kept me from spitting it out, making speech or cries for help muffled.

I tried to move but my arms seemed to be restrained behind the chair, feeling the harsh rope grating my skin, making the joints sore and protesting with every movement. My ankles bound together uncomfortably tight making my feet numb, causing a tingling discomfort that soon became an unsettling experience. I struggled in the bonds, each movement met with resistance and the constant pull of confinement.

I was still wearing my scout regiment pants, but the green cloak Levi had put around my shoulder was missing and my boots were gone leaving me barefoot on the wooden floorboards. The floor beneath my feet, once neutral, now feels like an icy touch, creating a contrast with the warm source on my bare torso coming from a fire near by. Hearing the sound of cracking of the flickering flames, the smell of the burning wood, leaving an unforgettable impression on my senses.

I tensed when a door swung open with a slow deliberate creak, revealing a glimpse of the unseen behind me. As it opened, the hinges groaned softly through the air, intensifying the tension. The door then slammed shut with a sudden and forceful thud, creating a sharp reverberation in the air and making me jump. There was a damning clunk of a lock, with a sound carrying a sense of abrupt finality of my freedom. The sound of their movement became an eerie accompaniment, creating an uneasy rhythm that seemed to reverberate through my surroundings. I tried to make some noise but the gag prevented anything more than frustrated desperate noises

"Its good of you to join me finally" Erwin's deep rasp called out, "I will have to scold Hange for knocking you out for so long. I was getting impatient waiting for you to wake up. And when I get impatient, someone will feel the brunt of that irritation" he said ominously.

The cleave gag was untied from my mouth and the sodden fabric filling my maw was finally removed. I had the immediate sensation of thirst, where the lack of moisture left a lingering sense of discomfort as I swallowed hard, my mouth dry as a parched and barren landscape.

"Um...Commander Erwin Smith?" I began cautiously, "I don't understand why I was drugged and bound. I don't believe I have committed a crime or broken a rule?" I spoke out blindly into the room, the blindfold stealing away my sight.

I already felt I knew the answer to why I was here, even as I asked the question. This was not normal protocol or standard practice of the scout regiment. Clearly, the Commander could have ordered for Levi to hand me over without going to such lengths if he desired. However, abducting me in the night when none could witness was strategic and planned. I knew I was here for insidious reasons that were outside the laws. I just wanted to hear it from his mouth. The Commander slammed his hot hand on the back of my neck making me flinch.

"Quiet! I didn't give you permission to speak, boy" Erwin snapped near my ear as I cringed. I then felt him hook a finger under the chain padlocked around my throat, choking me a little, "Such a pathetic mark of ownership" Erwin snorted,"Though it seems Levi learned something from me" he said pressing on the aching bruised bite mark the Captain had left on my skin making me groan, "I prefer more permanent marks on my dogsbody... You should ask Levi to show you his from when he served me"

The blindfold was suddenly whipped away, causing me to squint in the light with apprehension, like peering into the blinding glare of the sun. I seemed to be in an office, assuming it was the Commander's quarters that were unfamiliar to me. However, my focus was pulled towards the large set of bolt cutters in the Commander's hands. Anxiety shooting through the roof, my body shaking uncontrollably, fearing what he was going to do to me.

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