Levi Ackerman X Male Reader - Chapter 8

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As we entered the overcrowded bar, the heat that met us as we came from the crisp night air into the stifling warmth was like a hot blanket that hit my face. A cloying mix of malt beer, sweat & body odour from many people compacted into the small bar, made me screw my face up in disgust. A thick fog of tobacco smoke lingered in the air, bloated my nose. The roaring chatter, and loud cheers of soldiers enjoying themselves surrounded us as we walked inside. I paused at the door when a wave of anxiety washed over me, seeing just how busy the bar was. Cadets were not allowed inside, but upon graduation were given permission. Though, I felt like an imposter since I had not become a scout, but was soon to be a dogsbody to the Captain.

Nervously I looked around to see if I could see any former cadets from my squad so I could avoid them, not wanting to run into any of them. I feared alcohol affecting people's inhibitions, because it wouldn't take long before they would turn their attention towards more entertainment, such as picking on people for sport. I had been warned prior to the graduation not to come to the bar by the other cadets in my squad, though they never gave a satisfactory answer as to why. My peers had hurled usual threats of being beaten up if I didn't heed their warnings, but these threats were so regular that it had become background noise. I wasn't about to miss this opportunity to taste beer for the first time, figuring alcohol may help me calm down after what I had just witnessed between the Captain, and Hange. I was uncertain with my new role if I was permitted to drink alcohol, and didn't know how to approach the Captain to ask.

The bar was groaning with soldiers, and every table was crammed, many needing to instead stand so they could drink, and socialise. No chair of surface wasn't being used by someone, even the walls had soldiers lining them, making chances of finding somewhere to sit minimal. Glancing around at the myriad of faces I didn't recognise, the jackets that normally emblazoned the emblem of their squad were too warm too wear due to the heat of the room. All around the bar were drunken soldiers celebrating their graduation with torrents of drink. There was a small fight breaking out making me nervous as others chanted, and cheered the brawling patrons on the ground over something unknown. I felt disoriented by the bustling soldiers colliding, and pushing their way to the bar making it hard to find my way through. It was tightly packed with soldiers inside such a small space, making it near impossible to move.

Levi clasped his hand at the back of my neck, and dragged me toward's him, leaning in close to my ear so he didn't have to shout,

"You have until last orders to get your business finished with the Brat" Levi spoke up so I could hear him, "This is your only chance (Y/n). Don't fuck it up. Got it?" he said firmly, "Don't expect to be given any free rein to fraternise with Eren Jaeger beyond this one time permission. Start thinking how you will repay your debt, Mutt" he said making me tense, "I will come find you soon. You have your punishment to work off still" he said ominously, his thumb brushed over my Adams apple, causing me to swallow nervously. Straightening up, Levi adjusted the strap of the duffel bag on his back, and turned to leave,

I didn't have time to waste as I tried to keep up to the Captain who had made his way into the jostling crowd of soldiers, disappearing out of view before I could ask him anything. It should have been me carrying the duffel bag all the way making me feel distinctly guilty for failing that simple task already.

"Captain. Sir wait!!" I cried out, watching with dismay as he weaved through the crowd with ease ahead of me, "I... Ugh!!" I sighed in frustration. When someone banged into my side, carrying a tray of drinks above their head, some beer trickled down my back "Ack!! Shit! Watch it!" I yelped out, shuddering feeling the cool water down my spine.

As I stared out across the busy bar, I felt lost, wondering how I was going to find Eren in time. I didn't think the Captain was going to allow me to retrieve the heirloom after the incident outside the bar, and was still reeling from it. I was feeling a little out of it, and disorientated, but put it down to the flapjack that was probably still working through my system. I didn't know what to expect from its effects or how long it would last.

Attack on Titan - Yandere Levi Ackerman X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now