Levi Ackerman x Male Reader - Chapter 6

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I stirred after many hours of fitful sleep, the sunset red hues casting across my face from the window, forcing me to wake up. I groaned wanting to rest, but the warning from Eren kept playing on my mind. When I rolled onto my back, I came face to face with a stranger, but the vestiges of sleep made me slow to react. My eyes flew wide open as I hollered in shock, when the blanket was yanked away suddenly leaving me in just my underwear.

"UHHHH!!!", I yelled, my body jolting awake and in the panic I rolled out of bed on to the hardwood floor with a loud thunk next to the stranger's feet. I kicked away the blanket that I had become tangled in, "Who are you? What do you want?" I demand disoriented by the rude awakening.

I groaned and rubbed my backside from the short fall. Adding insult to injury, I was still achy and tired from the previous days overexhertion.  My heart drop when I looked at the alarm clock on the stool next to my bed, seeing I had overslept by an hour. I could see out the window seeing the light fading, thinking I would be in deep trouble when I faced the Captain. I scrubbed my face with my hand, trying to wake up properly. This was not the impression I wanted to give the Captain. I thought for a moment, this was one of my cadet peers last pranks before graduation, which made me immensely annoyed. I looked at the individual who was grinning from ear to ear in obvious amusement seeing my undignified reaction, only adding to my frustration. At first assessment, I couldn't tell if they were male or female with no real way of knowing without asking outright. I looked more closely at them, struggling to figure out their gender, my brow furrowed as I stared at them confused.

"Um... Who are you? What are you doing here?" I grumbled disoriented, looking up at the person who was stood before me with the sun setting behind them, casting them in shadow.

Stood before me was a tall, slender brunette person with mid-length hair piled messily high on their head and square thick-rimmed glasses but the low light from the window made it hard to see their face properly. They could be male or female from first assessment but I couldn't be sure.  I felt uncomfortable as they beamed wide at me with the light reflecting off the glass in their glasses obscured their eyes.

"Good! You're finally awake!!" the stranger said in a jovial voice "Come on! It's time to get you to Captain Levi's quarters. You don't want to be late, do you? Up you get! " they said, offering their hand to help me.

I looked at the proffered hand with a perplexed expression, wondering what the catch was. I didn't know what to make of the stranger, still bleary eyed and slightly groggy. I frowned, deciding they looked female making me wonder who had let a woman into the men only barracks,

"Er... This is the male Cadet barracks, you know?" I grumbled out under my breath, "You shouldn't be in here you know?" I said slowly, looking away from them feeling embarrassed that I had fallen out of bed like an idiot,

"Ha! Are you shy? Got something to hide?" Hange laughed, leaning in close making me flinch expecting to be hit, "I don't care if it's male or female barracks! I like seeing the human body in all its imperfection!" they said, the light gleaming off their glasses, "Take my hand already!" they sighed out.

I glowered at them, but took their proffered hand begrudgingly and was pulled to my feet allowing me to finally take a proper look at them,

"Wait... You! You're Squad Leader Hange!! Scout regiment!" I said in awe, finally recognising them, quickly standing to attention with one arm behind my back and the other across my chest, "I-I apologise for m-my rudeness! "I stammered uncertainly for a moment.

"Yeah I am technically a Squad Leader, but you can call me Zoe Hange or Hange! I am not one for titles and roles" they pulled away and bent to pick up a large holdall in one hand holding it out to me expectantly, "I have already packed for you everything whilst you were sleeping like a little baby. Awww" they giggled, "So get dressed and let's get going!! Catch!!" Hange abruptly tossed my bag to me, which I dived for, the weight surprising me when they had made it look so light.

Attack on Titan - Yandere Levi Ackerman X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now