Levi Ackerman x Male Reader : Chapter 9

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I wake up hearing the loud distinctive crow of a cockerel in the distance, indicating it was dawn. The light from the window was shining down on my face like a beam or shard, forcing me to wake up disgruntled. I was extremely disoriented, staring up at the beamed ceiling, confused where I was, finding myself laying on a roll out single mattress on this floor, at the end of the Captain's bed. It was then that the full reality of the previous came rushing back to me hard, causing me to groan heavily cover my eyes with the heel of both hands to try and block out the light and my memories. I could hardly believe what the Captain had forced me to do, my face twisting with disgust. My face flushed up, recalling in vivid detail the events of the previous night, making me squirm under the blanket in embarrassment.

I felt in a jolt in my stomach, anxiety gripping me as I wondered if the Captain was still in the room, watching me. Parting my fingers, I flick my eyes with great trepidation to the wingback chair the Captain had fallen asleep in and immediately felt great relief that the Captain was not there. It allowed me to relax a little not wanting to face him after the previous night. I cast my eyes around the room, to make sure the Captain was definitely not there before letting out a deep sigh and staring into the now smoking embers that was the fire. How could the Captain do that to me? The hero I had looked up too had made me suck him off and told me that was my role as his dogsbody. How was I to look him in the eyes again?

I felt uncomfortably hot under the itchy blanket, squirming I pulled the cover back and seeing I wasn't wearing my uniform but was stripped to my underwear and t-shirt, which was disconcerting. Realising the captain must have at some point woken up, untied me from his desk, carried me to this futon and stripped me then lay me down before covering me up. This knowledge made me feel awkward, shivering at the thought of him carrying me to bed like that when fast asleep and unaware. Closing my eyes, I crossed my arms over my face, as I tried to sort through what had lead to the Captain using me to relieve his sexual tension like that.

Covering my face with both hands, flashbacks came at me hard of the Captain unfastening his pants, taking out his cock and forcibly making me take him in my mouth. Shuddering at the memories, I could swear the milky taste of his cum still lingered on my tongue, making me want to wash my mouth out with soap. What was worse was the knowledge I had gotten stiff when the Captain had used my mouth, adding to my the confusion I felt. It was hard not to start questioning my own desires and sexuality. Was it the food that Hange had given me with some powerful plant that made me feel weird? It would be easier to blame my body's reaction on something else but even I had to admit, I had gotten turned on when the Captain had used his crop on me the other day. What was wrong with me? Didn't I like Mikasa Ackerman? Was It because the Captain was called Ackerman also that I was getting sexually confused? I tried to calm myself down, getting worked up.

I had to come to terms with the reality that Levi had shown me undeniably, that a dogsbody true role was to relieve a superiors sexual frustrations. Even Eren had tried to warn me about the role, and the other Cadets Walter and Waltz had teased me about it but obviously I wasn't going to listen. Now it made sense why the dogsbody contract was so strict, in order to maintain silence and cooperation from the cadets unlucky enough to be given such a role. One thing still bothered me though about Eren and why he genuinely wanted to be the captains dogsbody again, despite being Commander Erwins boy. It made me wonder what the commander was like when alone with Eren to evoke such a reaction. My face turned red, shaking my head in denial, not wanting to imagine just what Erwin and Eren got up to behind closed doors. Sitting up, I glanced at clock slowly ticking on the bedside table, showing it was a little past 5:00am. Where was the Captain at this time in the morning?

I needed to clear my head, but I didn't know if I would be allowed to go running like I used to now I was the Captains Dogsbody. I got out of bed and searched through my belongings for my towel, soap and toothbrush, needing to distract myself. I frowned, wondering if I would run into the Captain if I went searching for the shower block. It was then I saw there was another door slightly ajar that I hadn't noticed the previous night, hidden almost behind the bedroom door that had blocked it when open, but was now visible. Approaching it cautiously, I nudged it open with my foot, revealing a private bathroom. Rather than searching for the nearest shower block, I figured a quick shower and wash wouldn't be too bad. Would it be wrong to use the Captains private bathroom? Would I be in trouble if I used it without his permission? Hesitating, I didn't know what to do for the best.

Attack on Titan - Yandere Levi Ackerman X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now