Levi Ackerman X Male Reader: Chapter 2

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The rain fell around me, bouncing off the surface of small puddles as I ran at sunrise before anyone else was awake. Running on grass barefoot felt good, inhaling the fresh air in my aching lungs. The solitude was welcomed, just concentrating on controlling my ragged breathing and nothing more. My clothing was sodden, the loose lace-up shirt sticking to my back and my pants soaked but I didn't care, I found the rain refreshing as I pushed for another lap of the fields. Listening to the sound of my feet on the damp earth was like a rhythm to run with, splashing in the pools of water without a care. Sweat beading on my forehead was quickly washed away, droplets running in rivulets down my face cooling my skin. Running was an escape, my feet pounding the wet earth like a metronome guiding me. I forced myself to run until I could not sustain my energy any longer, finally slowing to a stop as I bent down to grasp my knees out of breath. I stared at my reflection in a pool of water distorted by the rain the surface. Concentrating on my heartbeat, breathing slowly I prayed all this self-sacrifice was not for nothing. Not a single part of me was dry, the water soaking me completely, water mixed with the sweat falling from the tip of my nose to the puddle below causing a ripple. My muscles hurt everywhere, dispelling all thoughts about running again. My soul was willing but my body was weak still it seemed.

I had left my belongings and uniform in a bag beneath the shelter on the other side of the field. The rain creating a haze from the drizzle in the air making it difficult to see. I made my way over slowly, using the time to recover knowing later I was trying out for the Elite Scout Regiment. This was my time to prove myself to my superiors but there was something more. I once wanted adventure but now I wanted to avenge the memory of my parents and the sibling I never met. The memories of those horribly grinning, deformed monsters ripping people limb from limb still frightened me to my core. I would wake from petrifying nightmares most nights, dreaming of those monstrosities that destroyed seemingly instinctively. I knew if I wanted to join the Elite, my body needed to be toned, a well-oiled machine. To be in the Scout Survey Corp was extremely dangerous, most likely a death sentence for many to fight the Titans head on but I wanted to make a difference.

I looked at my wrist where a leather cord was plaited into a cuff with a gold ring intricately woven into the braid. I never took the braid off incase I lost it somewhere because it was more than a symbol of manhood but also a reminder to honour the memory of my lost family. Following the destruction of Shiganshima district when Wall Maria was breached, I was taken to safety behind Wall Rose. Though it was not a sanctuary but a refugees camp where life was miserable with a famine ravaging the people who had escaped the Titans. Being fifteen years old, I was alone to defend myself against those wanting to harm me and needed to provide for myself or starve. My shoulder needed time to heal when I had dislocated it, so I couldn't join the Cadet Corp straight away. When poverty and famine became desperate, the refugees were sent to toiling the land to provide for the masses. Adults and children were dying from hard labour, so instead I tried to make myself useful to the Garrison by offering to look after the horses as a stable hand in exchange for food and a place to rest. Perhaps they took pity on me, allowing me to eat the Garrison scraps and sleep in the stable building. In the winter it was bitterly cold, but I had a roof over my head and the company of the horses to keep me warm. I believed I had been given a chance to prove I could be useful by doing the menial tasks the Garrison didn't want to. Caring for the leather sadles and gear, polishing the brass, grooming the horses, mucking out the stalls, taking the horses to the blacksmith was all  skills I knew I was good at despite my healing shoulder. I had failed the application to join the Cadets when I was sixteen but I kept training my body, running daily and developing my strength ready for the next year. I knew joining up, I would miss my days caring for the horses in the stables but I had something to aim for and a desire to fight the titans deep in my gut. Finally, I was able to join the Cadet Corps and train at seventeen years old till I was eighteen years. I hoped to be worthy of the gold ring handed down to me one day and make my Father proud of the man I was wanted to become.

Attack on Titan - Yandere Levi Ackerman X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now