Levi Ackerman x male reader : Chapter 12

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I jolted awake with a sharp start. My bleary eyes confronted with the Captain's sleeping face laying next to me on the opposite pillow. My heart began to beat faster, realising I was in Levi's actual bed and not on the roll out bed on the floor. Levi's straight black hair was messed up on the pillow and he was clearly topless under the cover, his pale skin covered in scars as if it was a map of his life. My face turned red realising I was wearing nothing beneath the covers, making me wonder if he was naked too. Hange had told me Levi struggled to sleep, suffering from insomnia most nights and opting to sit in his wing-back chair. Yet, for some reason he was sleeping next to me.

When I rolled on to my back, I felt something tug and tried to sit up only to feel a pull, seeing there was a long chain leash wound around the headboard and then connected to the chain around my neck. Levi was holding the leash loop, securing me to the bed, as though he had expected me to run away in the night. I sighed heavily, wondering how I was going to get out of this predicament. It made me think of Eren being chained to the bed each night and how he must feel to have his freedom taken from him. I couldn't help but frown heavily, wishing I had the guts to do something about this situation

I felt the punch of embarrassment hit me as I thought back over last night, wishing it was a nightmare but the heavy chain padlocked around my neck was a stark reminder that it wasn't. It was clear by how achy and sore my body felt, there was no way to deny what happened. I must have fallen asleep at some point after kneeling before Levi by the warm crackling fire place, obviously exhausted after so much emotional and physical exertion. Just imagining him having to pick me up was mortifying, causing me to cover my face with a low groan. I then heard him talk in his sleep.

"Ugh! Furlan! Don't go!" Levi's voice called out in distress,

Tension cast over his features, his brow furrowed heavy as he struggled with an intense nightmare that was plaguing him.

"No! Isabel! Don't leave me alone" Levi's voice seemed to crack.

I noticed a tear rolling down his face and travelling over the bridge of his nose, soaking into the pillow. I could see he was shaking under the cover, seeming so small and vulnerable. Seeing this side of the Levi made my heart constrict, wondering who Isabel and Furlan are. Were they family members he had lost, friends that were long gone or perhaps even past lovers of his? Before this moment, I had put him on a pedestal as though he was made of stone like a statue carved out of rock. It was humbling to realise that even humanities strongest soldier could shed tears of sadness. Does he cry when he is alone, feebly and silently like this often?

"Isabel... Furlan..." Levi whispered the names again with such sadness that it made my own heart ache for him.

I wanted to do something for him but I didn't know what to do or how to calm him. Hesitating,  I reached out and cautiously laid my shaking hand on his arm trying to soothe his nightmare. To my amazement, his features seemed to relax, which made him seem younger somehow.

Suddenly, Levi's blue grey eyes flashed open and connected to mine. I internally panicked, worried he would think I was taking liberties. Quickly I rolled away, hoping he would go back to sleep but shockingly, I felt his arm curl around my upper body, spooning up from behind without any word from his lips. I stiffened, unsure how to react but before I could act, I heard the rhythmic breathing behind me as he fell asleep once more curled up behind me. I was relieved he was soundly asleep again but I was now wide awake in contrast.

My conscience wouldn't allow me to forget the previous night, replaying memories in my minds eye of the interrogation room. The dog collar, leash and perverted muzzle gag I had been made to wear, whilst crawling on my hands and knees. The frightening moments when he had used a knife to threaten me. The cold look  he had given me when he had cruelly cast me aside, allowing that Miche to do what he wanted to my body. I shuddered knowing how close I had gotten to being raped by that guy. Then for the Captain to switch and suddenly beat Miche within an inch of his life, saving me in a twisted way. Not to mention, the way he had touched me, bringing me to the point of release, only to sadistically stop, denying me again and again. The possessiveness and control he had thrust upon me was hard to square away as nothing. Each memory made my stomach twist, recalling the fear, anxiety, and more confusing, the sexual arousal. I scrubbed my face with my hands, as if to try and rub out the memories of last night.

Attack on Titan - Yandere Levi Ackerman X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now