》Chapter 1《

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TW: blood, mention of death, close to death, and stabbing, knives, blood

Quackity POV

Run faster!
Don't stop running!
Don't look back!
I'm scared.. I don't know where I am..
Someone please help me..

I don't want to die.. someone, anyone.. find me.. help me!
That was the last things I thought before I was jumped from behind.
and brutally injured, stab after stab..

my wounds only got worse and all I could was scream and think of was getting help, but I couldn't move.

I watched and snow, pure and white, turned red in my own blood.

I knew I wasn't going to survive, the moment I saw the blood that came from me.

But the last thing I saw before I past out was a pink blurr.. then everything went dark..

Technoblade POV

It's been a few days since I went to the market, so my close friend sent me out to get what we need,

it was a while but I finally got what I needed and started heading back home, then I heard a scream

A scream that could deafen animals..

A blood curdling scream, I quickly followed the screams until all I saw were men, covering a smaller, screaming male.

The snow faded from white to red..

Do it
They are hurting him
Kill them!
He's innocent, kill them

With a few swings of my sword,
The men were done, as was the screaming

I turn my head to the male, covered in his own blood, barely breathing,

he must be strong to survive an attack like that

I picked him up, not caring about the blood and got the items I got from the market.

I made my way back to my home,
Where I shared a house with my friend, Philza and his sons Wilbur and Tommy.

I walked in and Phil looked over seeing the bloody mess, looking to the boy in my arms

"It wasn't me, this time"

I replied silently, he only nodded. "Take him to my room" said the man with wings and with a simple nod, I followed his orders

I walked into the room that belongs to the man and placed him on the bed, eventually Wilbur walked in

"Father told me to come help you clean him up and take care of any wounds he may have" said the brunette and I only nodded.

"Get me some warm water and a cloth, and make sure Tommy doesn't come in, you know he can't stand blood" I replied

He nodded and left the room for a few minutes before returning with what I had asked of him.

I took the stuff and he went to fetch some bandages and other things.

I carefully lifted the males shirt and started cleaning the wounds, they were horrible. This poor kid took all that and is still breathing, honestly colour me surprised.

I had finished cleaning the wounds, thankfully the bleeding stopped and Wilbur came in with the bandages.

I carefully wrapped every injury he had and sighed, getting up to go change the clothes I was in, seeing as they were covered in blood.

I had to watch out for Tommy whilst I walked and once I was in my room, I took off my shirt and placed it on my wardrobe for the moment, swiftly grabbing clean clothes and changing.

I still want to know why so many people were after him, what did he do? He seems innocent, I didn't see anything on him that was dangerous but then again, I wasn't paying too much attention

I heard a knock and a faint yet familiar voice. "Techno? Dad said that dinner is ready, and its time to eat" I heard a young boy on the other side say quietly.

"I'll be down in a moment Tommy" I replied and then I heard faint footsteps get quieter until I couldn't hear them, indicating he'd walked away.

Words: 622

Time started - 10:12 am

Time ended- 2:17 pm

So sorry the chapter wasn't long, I didn't have much time today, but I promise next chapter will definitely be longer

Until next time readers, bye!]

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