》Chapter 9《

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(Posts are going to start slowing down cause I'm writing two books so keep that in mind my lovely readers 'v')


Quackity POV

As Techno and I settled down back inside Tommy came running and lached onto me, I looked up and saw an angry Wilbur without his glasses.

I look down at Tommy, who's terrified, and gripping Wilbur's glasses in his hand.

"Give them back you little rat!" Wilbur yelled and Tommy tightened his grip on me.

"Wilbur calm down" Techno told him and Wilbur didn't seem to listen.

"I want my glasses back!" He yelled at him and I kneeled down, making Tommy let go of me.

"Can I have Wilbur's glasses please Tommy?" I asked, making Techno and Wilbur look at me, Tommy nodded and gave me his glasses and I smiled.

"Thank you" I said and stood back up, walking over to Wilbur and giving him his glasses.

"Here you are" I said and walked back over to Tommy and Techno, immediately being lached onto again by Tommy.

I looked down and smiled, patting his head softly.

"You need to get your anger issues under control Wilbur, you might hurt someone" Techno said and Wilbur just rolled his eyes and walked off.

"Wilby is so mean" Tommy muttered and I shrugged.

"It's just the way he is Tommy" I said and he just nodded.

"Why don't you go apologize to Wilbur for taking his glasses? Then you, Techno, and I can do something" I said and Tommy smiled widely and nodded, running off and I let out a small chuckle.

"How did I get roped into this?" Techno asked and looked at me, I shrugged a bit.

"Because I volunteered you too" I replied with a smile and heard Wilbur yell and something fall.

I quickly ran towards the noise and saw Wilbur yelling at Tommy while Tommy was on the floor crying.

I rush in between them and looked up slightly at Wilbur, "what is your problem!? He's a kid!" I yelled and I heard Techno walk into the room.

"He needs to learn to leave me alone and you need to learn where you belong! Because it's not here!" He yelled and I must admit, that caught me off guard but he was right.

"I may not belong in this family but as long as I'm allowed under this roof I will not let you yell and hurt your own brother." I replied and he grit his teeth.

"Just leave! No one wants you here! You only take up for Tommy because you were a criminal and your kid was taken away! Just deal with it! Tommy. Isn't. Tubbo!" He yelled and I back up a bit, tears filling my eyes.

Techno walked over to me and pulled me close "too far Wilbur" he said and Tommy walked over and hugged me tightly.

"No.. no he's right. He's not Tubbo." I muttered and Tommy let go, looking up at me.

"It's not your fault Alex.." Techno said softly and Wilbur silently left the room.

I let my tears fall and just looked down, I've been treating Tommy as Tubbo for so long, I quietly leaned into Techno's hold and Tommy hugged me once again.

"Are you okay Big Q?" Tommy asked and I nodded, wiping my tears away.

"Yeah, I'm okay Tommy" I said and hugged Tommy.

"Tommy can I talk to Big Q alone?" Techno asked and Tommy nodded and left the room.

"Look at me Alex" he said and I looked at him, gazing into his soft red eyes.

"Just ignore him, Tommy knows you miss Tubbo, I know you miss him too, Wilbur is just, Wilbur. Don't think too much of it" he said softly and I nodded

As he began to walk away I gently tugged on his sleeve, making him stop and turn his head to me.

"Can we do something with Tommy? I promised him y'know" I muttered and he nodded.

"Yeah, go get dressed, I'll tell Tommy to get ready, both of you meet me outside when you both are done" he said and walked away.

I gave a soft smile to him as he walked away and I could feel the slight heat on my cheeks.

He was so kind and sweet but you'd never guess that from his rough looking exterior, I guess that's why I was catching feelings for him.


I don't know what else to put so I'm ending it here for now 'v'

Give me suggestions for what they should do please-

But yeah, Cliffhanger-


Words: 766

Time started: three days ago

Time finished 1:03 pm

Don't judge me I didn't know what to do-
But yeah-
Bye readers! <3

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