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"David!"The girl moaned loudly.David came home few hours ago.He brought a girl with him and now they are having loud sex in his room.Gross!

Riley left home 15 minutes ago to go meet with her friend.I lay down on my bed and scroll through Instagram.

Suddenly the door bell ring.I Jumped from my bed and ran down stairs. I could still here the girl moaning.She is so loud!

I opened the gate and Adam was standing on my front porch with a smile spread across his lips.He was wearing a white v-neck T-shirt and black denim pants.He looked so hot.Why Am I checking him out like a creep?

I looked behind me to check whether David heard it or not.I looked at him and he was staring at me with a confused look.He looked so adorable.

He opened his mouth to say something but I covered his mouth with my hand."Adam you can't be here!"I whispered as slowly as humanly possible.

"Can you please wait for me outside?"I pleaded.He nodded and went outside.I closed the door behind me and followed him outside.

"So...Hi! Lets go for a walk!"I laughed awkwardly."Hey Al!"He said kissing my forehead.Well this is new!

"Why can't we talk at your house?"He asked raising his eyebrows."Uh..David is having sex."I blurted out.He chuckled.

We walked towards the park."I want to ask you something?"He asked."Uh..yeah."I hope it is not about the kiss.

"About the kiss...I didn't regret it."He said bluntly.He didn't regret it.Oh thank god."Me neither."I said with a smile.

"Really?!"His face lit up.I nodded my head."So would you like to go on a date with me?"He asked with excitement.

It will be hard to disappoint him."Adam I like you but I uh..I umm not allowed to date.I am sorry."I said with a saddening look.

"Why?"He asked with a hurt tone."David says I can't make male friends or date them.He will hurt them If I became close to them"I said looking down.

He tilted my head with his index finger so I was directly looking in his blue eyes. I want him so badly.I want kiss him again.I want him to be my boyfriend.But I can't!

He rested his head on my forehead and his hands were wrapped around my waist."Al I want to tell you something else to."He hesitated still holding me."I don't know how you are going to take it.You will hate me after this but I can't keep a big part of my life secret from you.You have been nice to Allie,even help me on various occasions and been a very good friend to us but the thing I am going to tell you will give you a different perspective of me and even Jace and Kenzie.Even If you don't talk to me for a while but please be in my life anyway possible.I can't lose you too."He begged.


"I am a gang leader."Adam said before I could finish.



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