My face and ribs hurt so badly.David and Ivan slapped my face and kick my ribs until Charlie came and stop them.He told he needed me Alive in order to make some kind of deal with Adam.God he must really need that deal.
They opened the chains so now I was a little comfortable in this hell hole.It's been three days since I was brought here.David and Ivan occasionally come and slap me but they don't do much.I Guess They both are scared of Charlie.But moreover my injuries are not that bad.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by a gun shot.What the hell was going on.Did Adam came to rescue me?I jumped up and tried to look through the bars but only thing I could see were guards rushing towards the exit.
I pulled myself together and took a few deep breaths to calm myself down.My eyes open when I heard a voice,"Look's like your boyfriend finally came to rescue you!I will make sure he or his friends never make it out alive."David said.
"I will like to see you try!"I smirked.I know very well that Adam can take both David and Ivan easily.But I am still worried about him."Know your place Whore!"He yelled.
"I will like seeing you suffer for your cause.Even if you make it out of here alive.I sure as hell will make your life miserable by sending you to jail.Where you can rot for your entire worthless life."I growled.
"Shut up bitch!"He pointed his gun on my forehead."Go fuck yourself!"I said angrily.I don't know where all of the courage is coming from but I like it.He clicked the safety off with his thumb while his index finger rest on the trigger.
I closed my eyes hoping this is not the way I die.I have so much to learn in my life.I have to run my father's company.And most of all I want to live my life happily.
I heard a gunshot and I fell on the floor.Few seconds passed but I was still in same position.All the sound around me were faint.
Suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped around me.I opened my eyes and saw Adam sitting beside me with a concern look on his face.
The gun was not shot on me.I am alive and I am safe in Adam's arm."Adam!"I whispered."I thought I lost you!"He said."But you save me!"I hugged him tightly."I love you,Al!"He said."I love you too!"I replied.I kissed him on lips.It was sweet and short.
"Now go help them!"I patted his shoulders as we stood up."I will be fine!Promise!"I said taking the bat which was right outside my cell.
He ran away to the crowd where angry men were fighting.I saw around me and David was lying unconscious.I clutched the bat tighter in my hands.
An arm came around my waist from behind.I immediately reacted by hitting my bat on his head.He screamed and fall back.I opened my eyes and Saw Ivan standing there with his one hand on his head.He wasn't looking at me so I took that as an advantage and hit him on his stomach.
He fell to the ground.I continued kicking him in his balls until he finally passed out.I turned around and saw Adam struggling with a guard.I sneakily came behind the guard and hit him hard on his head.He immediately fainted as Adam look at with me amusement.
"Come on!Let's get out of here!"Jace came running."I missed you Als!This guy,he has been miserable without you."He laughed patting his shoulders.I saw Adam he was glaring at him which made me laugh.
I got home an hour ago.Adam helped me treat my bruises and cut.I took a nice hot bath and changed into some comfy clothes.Right Now I was just cuddling with Adam.I missed having his arms around me.
"You are never allowed to leave my sight again."He mumbled kissing my neck causing goosebumps to arise all over my body."I won't."I replied playing with his fingers.He leaned further and kissed my lips.It was harsh and I felt like I was letting all my anger out on that kiss.
I parted my lips allowing his tongue to enter my mouth.He broke the kiss and started trailing it down my neck.I let out a soft moan as he kissed right below my earlobe.It is my sensitive spot.
"I love you,Alaina!"He said capturing his lips with mine."I love you,Adam!"I said between our kisses.
Finally I found my light at the end of the tunnel!And it feels amazing!Thank you Dad!I will always love you!

Teen Fiction"I am sorry,"I sobbed "Shut up bitch, and remove your shirt."He yelled I silently cried as a smirk appeared on his face. *************************************************** Alaina quinn has been abused by her stepmom and stepbrother since her fathe...