"Dude!That's your third Drink!"Jace said at me."So?"I know I was drinking too much but I can't help it.knowing that she might be suffering and in pain and I can't help her."Alaina wouldn't want this!She is counting on you to save her!"He said.
"I did everything!Every Fucking thing.I tortured the driver but he wouldn't say anything.I tried to find out about where would have Charlie taken her but that was a dead end.I even followed the trail where the car went but that lead no where."I almost yelled.Tears were streaming down my face.
"Do you love her?"Jace mumbled."why are you asking?"I was frustrated and angry at myself."Just answer the damn question!Do you love her?"He snapped."Of course I love her!"I mumbled.
"Than quit drinking and help us find her."He said and walked out of my room.He is right I have to try harder.I have to save her no matter cost!
I walked downstairs towards the basement where the holding cells are build.My eyes were swollen and red.As I reached the cell which was holding the driver I saw Riley walk out with a smile on her face.What the fuck is she doing here?She could've gotten hurt.And why the heck is she smiling?
"What were you doing here?"I interrogated."I found where they are keeping her!"She exclaimed."How?"I raised my eyebrows. "Emotional Blackmail!I told her how much she means to me.How much you care about her,Love her!and How much she have been through!work's every time "She answered.
"You are genius!"I said giving her a short hug."I know!"She smiled.She is so weird! "So where is-"I was cut by doorbell ringing.I groaned and we both went upstairs.
As we both enter the hall we saw Veronica standing at the front porch.She had a huge smile plastered across her face.What is she doing here?I don't won't any more drama as it is.
"Jace!Riley found the location!"I whispered in his ear.From the look of his face I knew he was trying to control the happiness.I glanced at Veronica she was still grinning.
"What do you want?"I snarled."Why so moody Adam?"She asked.I am moody because the girl I love is in danger and she is stopping me from getting her!
"Where is Alaina,Adam?"She smirked.Wait!does she know something."Why do you want to know?"I glared at her."Well I don't see her anywhere so.."She trailed off."I don't know where she is!"I said with anger."Oh she ran away!I knew it!That Slut don't deserve you.I am way better than her."She said.
"How dare you say that about her!"I almost yelled."Come on Adam!Did you really thought that I let her come between me and you!I was right by giving away her location that day.Now that she is out of picture we can finally be happy together."She said as anger rise up in my veins.
"You are the reason she is suffering!You don't even know her story!What she have been through.Why would you do something so horrible!What she has ever done to you!"I yelled at her.I shoved passed her and walked towards the swing.I needed a minute to myself.
She is horrible.A tear rolled down my eyes.My Al is suffering because of her.I wiped away my tear and just sat there staring into the space.
I went inside few minutes later.Veronica was sitting on the couch while Jace and Riley were in kitchen."Adam I am-"She began."Just go and don't come near me or her.You have done enough.And try not to ruin other people's life's."I said.She stood up from her place and rushed outside wiping tears from her cheek.
I entered the Kitchen."I am sorry!"Jace said."Let's forget it and focus on trying to rescue her."I know I said that but I know I will never be able to forget that.
"She is in a warehouse.Well it is a secret hideout of Charlie.It will look like a normal abandon warehouse from outside but it is build inside.She is locked in the basement where they keep all the prisoners and the only way to get there is from front gate.There are two guards at the entrance and then the whole hallway is empty until you reach downstairs.The basement may be the most secure place in that place.There are 15 guards downstairs and 10 guards are surrounded Charlie's office which is on the top floor.In short there are only 27 guards all over the place.You,me,Chase,Liam,Justin,Cole and Jack can take them out easily."He explained and continued.
"You will rescue Alaina While all 6 of us will distract the guards which are downstairs.we will try not too attract the guards which are upstairs."
"Wait there is something else you guys should know!Charlie is my mother's boyfriend So David,Ivan and my mother will also be there!"Riley added.I clenched my Jaw.
"Whatever you do Just don't kill my brother and his best friend.I want to see them suffer like my sister did for 5 years because of them.Even if David is my brother he is a monster who should rot in jail for all his lifetime."She said wiping away her tear.
"I will promise you I won't kill them but not about hurting them."I said."Now let's gear up and go save her!And I guess all five of them will be meeting us there!?"I said feeling a lot better.Jace nodded as we went to our armoury.

Teen Fiction"I am sorry,"I sobbed "Shut up bitch, and remove your shirt."He yelled I silently cried as a smirk appeared on his face. *************************************************** Alaina quinn has been abused by her stepmom and stepbrother since her fathe...