Chapter 1

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The two wheeler speak in guttural, yet thunderous retort, crackling at times and in sync with a heart beat—only louder. Its getting louder as the young master pulled it off from the underground. He had learned to put up with the rumble, the roar of the pipes, the harsh sound —almost like a profanity— it creates.

It was yet another day where Junkyu felt suffocated and squeezed inside his own manor, despite the humongous size of it, the fresh air from pine trees, and cool breeze of a manmade lake. He used to ask his parents to spend his summer in the mansion when he was a child, but now the grandeur place felt like a prison for him.

And like a prisoner who trying to break free, he rode his bike in high speed, challenging the wind, for him to breathe. He always went to the same place since he came back to the village, the only less suffocating place for him. The beach.

The beach was empty most of the time, the reason why he likes to go there. Most of villagers are elders. Those who are strong enough to spend hours under the sun chose to work during day time rather than wasting their valuable life at the same old blue and sugar-white.

Besides, the beach was long as ones eyes can see, as though the entire village was confined with it. So what the chances of him meeting someone here, at his favorite secluded spot.

Just like usual, Junkyu stared at the ocean absentmindedly while sitting at a wooden bench. The only bench with enough trees to hide him from unwelcoming sun. He wasn't a vampire who allergic of bright sun —though his dark bedroom says differently— but still, he appreciated the fact he won't turned to a boiled shrimp after daydreaming for hours.

Junkyu just sat there, listening to the song of the sea —the only music he could hear without feeling any pain— in quiet. Hoping no one would bother him until it's time for him to come back home.

His hope went down the drain when he felt something —or rather someone— hit his shin with a stick. He looked up to see a guy frowning while tilting his head, as though he was confused with Junkyu's presence.

For the first time in forever, Junkyu saw the loveliest sight he had ever laid his eyes upon. The guy was astonishingly stunning to his eyes. Too stunning, he felt his breath get caught in his throat, as if he almost choked on air.

Junkyu immediately noticed the guy is blind from the white cane he carried with him and the fact he hit Junkyu even though his eyes were wide open and he was there right under the guy's nose. Junkyu scoot over to the other side of the bench, unwilling to have any kind of interaction of whatsoever.

"Umm.. Is there anyone here?" Asked the guy. His voice is deep and throaty, the kind that is so very easy to fall in love with. It was soothing to Junkyu's ears. He almost swore he could listen to his voice on repeat for hours, if only he didn't hate listening to anyone talking to him.

No. No matter how beautiful a person's voice, he will still hate it if they talk to him.

"I'm sorry, I'm blind. I can't see you." The guy added.

Junkyu rolled his eyes. As if its not obvious, he thought.

He watched as the guy stretch out his hand, gently skimming the air and stop at the touch of bench backrest. He slowly sat down after his hand feel nothing on the seat. He didn't stop there. He moved his hand again to measure how far he can shift on his seat.

Both Junkyu and the guy flinched when their fingers met. "I-I'm sorry Miss. I'm bad at sensing space." The guy apologized. He had assumed Junkyu was a girl from the softness of the skin against his own.

Junkyu scowled and pulled up an app from his phone. He aggravatedly tapped the screen. "I'm a guy and I can't talk. I'm muted." A male artificial voice came from it.

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