Chapter 13

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Junkyu and Haruto went downstairs upon hearing Fumiko's voice shouting dinner was ready. They were hesitant at first, unwilling to untangle themselves from each other, but the loud noise coming from their stomach was something they couldn't ignore.

As his hand busy guiding them using his cane, Haruto's other hand glued to Junkyu's, carefully pulling him as though he was the blind one. "You know, first day I'm here, I fell down from the stairs and landed straight on my butt." Haruto chuckled. "So we must be careful."

Junkyu arched his brow. He was sure Haruto knew he's not blind and could clearly see each stairs, but he decided to not dwell on it when he saw the old Japanese lady standing near a table.

She looked at the two love birds lovingly, her eyes turned to a shape of a crescent, her wrinkles became more visible. She might be old, but she knew something happened inside the room from the looks on both Haruto and Junkyu's faces.

"Come, supper's ready." Said Fumiko as she walked towards the two. Junkyu flinched when she put her hands on him, guiding him to sit on one of the empty seats on the kitchen table, almost dragging him in a way.

Haruto stifled a laugh; he knew how persistent his Nana could be, and now he was imagining Junkyu's annoyed face. Everyone was in the kitchen already, he could hear them —his Pops talking to the butler about how the weather was nice for fishing later before dawn, SooYeon greeting her young master and pulling a chair for him, and his Nana going through the drawers doing God knows what.

"Oh, Young Man, finally, you're here." he heard his pops say tenderly as he stepped closer to the table.

"Go sit next to your grandpa." he heard Fumiko this time.

Haruto just stood there, feeling confused as there were too much noises going on around him. He wasn't even sure where his pops was sitting. Unlike the kitchen island where he usually sits for any meals, the table was round, so there wasn't a head part to guide him.

He heard sound of multiple chairs being dragged against the floor harshly, clanking plates and silverwares, bubbling soup on the stove, whistling kettle and people talking. It was overwhelming and he found himself sweating as his anxiety kicked in. His eyes moved frantically following the movement of his cane although he wasn't really moving anywhere as though his feet were glued to the floor.

No one noticed except for Junkyu who stared at him with furrowed brows. It was his first time seeing Haruto like this. His heart told him the blind needed help and so he abruptly got up from his seat, knocking the table hard and making everyone stop doing whatever they were doing, startled with sudden loud noise among other noises.

He couldn't care less with others or the glass of water that he accidently knocked onto the floor. He went straight to Haruto and almost immediately, his instinct pushed him to place both of his palms on Haruto's ears. Blocking any noises that he guessed was the reason for Haruto acting unusual.

His eyes trained on the blind's, ignoring the sting on his legs as Haruto still moving his cane around. Getting hit upon hit by the metal stick wasn't his concern, but rather the man in front of him, whom he dearly fell in love with within a short amount of time.

Unbeknownst to many, including his grandparents, Haruto could get kicked by his own anxiety, sometimes, out of the blue. As much as he tried to stay strong with his new condition, being able to sense something was there around him, but not really there, could ignite fear within him.

Perhaps, that was the real reason why his friends tend to outcast him for hangouts. Not because he was a burden, but because the uncertainty of when everything would be too overwhelming for the blind.

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