Chapter 14

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The following morning when Haruto woke up, he was greeted by a head resting against his chest and hands burrowed under his t-shirt. A sweet scent of rose and vanilla coming from the tip of the head prickled his nose pleasantly. The head owner was purring like a cat under mountain of blankets in the cold winter and Haruto chuckled in amusement.

He remembered how last night, after they came back to the mansion, Junkyu eagerly latched onto him like he was a magnet. Even more after he retell the story of him being lost in pine woods. Junkyu wouldn't let him go even a foot away as though he could lose Haruto again the moment Haruto went out of his sight.

Haruto almost laughed at the young master, until the distance between them on the bed told him that he was some person of great importance to Junkyu. That he was the person Junkyu would stick around with instead of passing onto whatever was next.

Junkyu had laid closer than usual last night, by his own will, and not because Haruto had asked him to. His heart fluttered when Junkyu's hand curled subtly around his arm, his brown head leaning against his shoulder. The gesture wiped his mind clean of all thought of his relationship with Junkyu would end in summer or once he could speak again.

All and all, Haruto did enjoy the comforting intimacy the older had given him. And he felt even better that this morning he wasn't being left alone on the cold, empty bed like every other day.

"Good morning, my star.." he whispered when he felt Junkyu stirred and the weight of his head disappeared from his chest.

Junkyu looked up to him and smiled coyly. His eyes were still half asleep but his mind fully awake at the thought he had his lover with him. He gingerly reached to touch Haruto's cheek and shimmied up.

Good morning to you too, my sun. — he said in his mind as he kissed Haruto on the cheek and the tip of his nose.

"Ahh.. I'm in heaven." Haruto breathed and that earned another smile from Junkyu. "Mind telling me how you feel today?" he asked.

Junkyu looked down to find Haruto's hands. He moved a little and brought the two way bigger hands than his to touch his face. He pulled out the biggest smile he ever had for the last three years for Haruto to feel. A genuine smile coming from genuine happiness he felt.

Haruto had a pondering expression as his fingertips tracing every line and curve on Junkyu's face. From the wrinkles of his scrunched up nose, the highest point of his cheekbones that were thicker than usual, and down to the side where Haruto could feel small dents on either side of Junkyu's cheek.

"Someone is in a great mood, I see." he said after he gathered a conclusion Junkyu was smiling widely. Junkyu nodded and burrowed his face on the side of Haruto's head.

Haruto was suddenly very much aware of the man's shorter body overlapping his, his knees positioning themselves on either side of his leg. Junkyu's breath was so tantalizingly close to his ear that he could feel his lips brushing against the lobe. He swallowed hard. The morning tension had almost become unbearable for him.

"Hyung, can you move over a little bit.." He pleaded, rigidly allowing his hands to trail over Junkyu's waist before flattening together against the curve of his back.

The young master tilted his head with an expression of critical dismay. Why would he want me to move over? — he questioned cluelessly.

Haruto was tense, very tense, and his face was flushed red. He was in his prime with young blood streamed his veins, and the fact that he was in his boyfriend's mansion along with all the freedom to satisfy his needs without having to worry about his grandparents' moral compass, didn't do him any help.

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