Chapter 17

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Junkyu woke up hours later weighted heavily by aching muscles and rim, but through the dull pain, he still smiled wearily and stretched out his arms, causing a strain against his bare chest that was strangely reminiscent of the pressure of Haruto's hands against his skin.

As he opened his eyes slowly, his gaze was drawn across the room. It shocked him at how bright his room was. He could see dust being captured by a beam of lights from the windows. Line of giant windows that are usually hidden under thick drapes of black curtains.

Junkyu sighed. It must be Haruto. The man has infiltrated his life completely, leaving no room for him to go back to his cold night and gloomy day, yet strangely enough, he doesn't mind it.

Oh who he tried to lie to. God knows Haruto may ask for a pink colored wall for the entire mansion and Junkyu would straight tell Jung-In to hire wall painters. The only thing Haruto had to do was just say his command.

The young master sighed again at how he had become a fool for the blind. He watched his room with an absent mind, entirely relaxed, and content. The grey comforter was draped over his hips loosely, bunched at the edges where Haruto had been lying against him. The sheets beneath him were no longer hooked perfectly on each corner of the mattress. It had been crumpled towards the middle as a result of their heated night.

Junkyu chuckled as sensuous thoughts from their activity began to return to him; Haruto lying between his legs and pounded him hard, watching him arched his back as euphoria from a release hit him, and how his ears become addicted to Haruto's low groans and moans.

The memory of their several desperate rounds only threatened to reignite his desire, and so he ran his fingers through his hair and sat up, glancing down at the empty bed. Unlike Haruto, he didn't mind waking up alone. He anticipated finding Haruto somewhere inside the mansion, talking and laughing with one of his maids, cooks, or gardeners, mingling and socializing, like the butterfly that he is.

Smiling to himself, he got to his feet slowly and went to his en suite bathroom for a quick shower and morning routines. He wasn't sure what the blind has in mind for today, it could be strolling around the pine woods or the lake behind the mansion, it could be another day of reading inside the library, or it could be a day to go to the beach, and so he dressed himself in a pair of jeans and simple white t-shirt. His life truly revolves around Haruto, and Haruto only.

Upon heading out into the hallway, and down to the spiral stairs, Junkyu noticed that, strangely, the mansion was quiet. There was no sound of Haruto's low tone voice and booming laughter could be heard from where he was.

As he cruised down the stairs, he saw one of his maids standing in front of a plant table, replacing wilting white lilies from the vase with fresh ones. Again, he had ordered Jung-In to replace all roses inside the mansion with white lilies after knowing it was Haruto's favorite flower although the said man couldn't see it.

"Ah, good afternoon, Young Master." Greeted the maid, bowing deeply as she saw her master approaching her.

"Where is Haruto?" Junkyu signed. Although he managed to say a few words last night, he still felt uncomfortable, almost impossible to talk with people other than Haruto.

"Haruto-ssi is in the conservatory room." She answered.

Junkyu's brow quirked slightly. He never thought Haruto would go there as he, himself never —after he lost his parents— set foot in the sacred room that holds important memories for him. It was the same room where he found Jung-In crying a couple of weeks ago. The same room he used to play his piano and sing in front of his family.

"What about Jung-In?" He signed again.

"Sir Jung In taking a break in the kitchen. His friend just came for a visit. Do you need him, Young Master? I can go and call him." She answered, slightly tilting her head in confusion as to why his master looked troubled.

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