Chapter 2

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Junkyu stormed into his mansion, slamming his key and helmet mercilessly onto the floor on his way to his bedroom. Those who saw him might thought the inanimate objects had wronged him in a worst way possible. They weren't. It was just another way for him to release his frustration.

Jung In watched his young master in worry, not because he slammed the poor objects, but because he came back earlier than usual. He worried Junkyu lost the last thing he could enjoy.

He gave a silent instruction to a maid nearby to clean the mess —and probably get new helmet for tomorrow— before he followed his master.

"Young master, is everything alright?" Jung In knocked Junkyu's door three times and took precisely two steps back.

Like he had expected, his beloved one kicked the door hard, resulting a loud bang to be heard across the mansion. He waited for another ten seconds and let out a sigh of relief when nothing else coming after that one gut-wrenching kick that shivered the entire wooden door.

"Young master, let me know if you need anything. Have a good rest." He said as he placed his palm on the door.

Jung In turned around to see his other maids slumped their shoulders down, also felt relieved nothing happened to their master. He shoo the maids, giving them an assuring nods. He understood his workmates were worried about Junkyu as much as he is.

Unknown to many, Junkyu was loved —is loved— by all the worker inside the manor, despite his new hobby of wrecking everything he touched. He wasn't just a young master for them. He was their son, their prize, their pride that they love dearly. One thing that Junkyu himself couldn't see.

Jung In followed them after he take a look at the door once more. Wishing Junkyu a peaceful nap under his breath, and hopefully he want to eat something after he woke up.

Inside his room, Junkyu felt restless. He tossed and turned on his bed, unable to forget the guy he just met. The thought of Haruto in his head made him feel strange inside. There was something intriguing about the way Junkyu thought of him, like there was this longing in his heart that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

It baffled him how he made lame excuse just to see him and hear his voice again. I asked a blind guy to read for me?! Might as well ask a bird to swim or fish to fly!

He groaned and cover his face with a pillow —freshly new pillow he hasn't ripped yet, feeling embarrassed and annoyed at himself. His attempt for a nap was failed miserably with Haruto's face constantly playing around in his head. He's going to ask Haruto for rent if he continue residing there without permission.

On the other side of the village, things weren't that much of a difference. The younger male was slumping on the couch ever since he came back from the beach. He sighed over and over again, thinking about his new Hyung.

"Something disturbing you?" Asked Fumiko after she saw her grandson pantomimed different faces every minutes. It was amusing and concerning at the same time.

Haruto shook his head.

She settled down on the couch and brought her grandson's head to her lap. Haruto shifted on his side to make himself comfortable. "You know you can talk to me about everything, right? I won't judge you or scold you." Told Fumiko as he comb Haruto's hair gently with her fingers.

Haruto nodded wordlessly. He knew his Nana would hear him with all her heart but he needed time to think and analyze things. Her mind seemed to always reach for the short moment he had with Junkyu at the beach.

Junkyu's presence was strong, too strong that Haruto felt sudden emptiness when the older walked away from him. Though it wasn't a delightful presence and more on the darker spectrum. Ghastly, daunting presence. He could sense Junkyu was so broken with heart filled with coldness, darkness, and regret.

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