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WATANABE HARUTO is an ordinary college student who like his peers, filled with energy, excitement and new —reckless, but not so much— experiences, but also questioning how the world works, the purpose of his existence on earth, and sometimes, what kind of haircut he should take while waiting in a hip barbershop before new semester starts —which according to Haruto himself, its kind of stupid since he can't see the end results anyway.

A certain experience when he was a kid made him fall in love with music, thus he enter a music school and aimed to become a great musician. Losing his sight at the age of sixteen didn't stop his dream to become one, nor it changed his demeanor and personality.

He still the same cheerful, confident, compassionate, loving Haruto as how his family and friends describe him. Blindness does gave him a little bit trouble but he wasn't Haruto if he can't overcome it with positivity and looking at it from the bright side.

After all, some of the greatest musician are blind; Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Andrea Bocelli, Diane Schuur, and Nobuyuki Tsujii among others.

"Fuck!" Haruto cursed for the seventh times since he open his eyes to nothing but darkness an hour ago.

He had forgotten he wasn't sleeping in his own bedroom —the much familiar place where he doesn't need his eyes to roamed around— but a temporary bedroom his grandfather prepared for him to spend his summer break at.

First curse came when he hit his head on the headboard right after he open his eyes. Second curse was because he slammed a bed lamp down to the floor when he tried to find his phone on the nightstand. Third one occurred when he tripped over his luggage on the floor —he was too sleepy to stored it inside the cupboard last night.

Fourth curse happened when he accidentally kicked the bed frame, causing another bruise appeared on his shin. Fifth one when he mistakenly stood right under showerhead as he turned on the cold water. Haruto hate freezing cold water in the morning.

Sixth, he broke his grandma's square vase with his white cane when he thought it was part of the wall. Finally, the seventh curse came out from his mouth when he skipped a step on the staircase, causing him landing on his butt with a loud thud.

"Young man, watch your language." Said Watanabe Fumiko, Haruto's grandmother from his father side.

The woman was once a witness of her own country's brutality during World War II. She had seen grief and devastation even before she hit puberty. She was used to see injured people stranded on the street every few feet away, both Japanese and Korean. Some losing their legs, some losing their arms, some losing their hearing, another losing their sight.

But she never thought she would see the same thing happened to her youngest grandson, seventy-two years later. Though it wasn't because of war, her grandson was also a victim of inevitable dreadful night. 

"Oops. Sorry Nana." Said Haruto as he got up and rubbed his butt. "And Nana, I think I broke your vase. I hope it wasn't the vase you got from your trip to Morocco ten years ago."

"Don't worry, that thing won't fit inside my casket anyway." Joked Fumiko. Holding her own walking stick, she grab Haruto's hand and guided him to the kitchen island.

"Besides, it's your grandpa's fault. I told him to remove everything from the floor before you arrive. Now let's have breakfast. I made your favorite pancake." She added.

Haruto doesn't appreciate her jokes but he definitely appreciate the pancake. He couldn't wait to stuffed his toned belly with her super-extra-like-no-other delicious pancake; the courtesy of Haruto himself. His Nana sure knows how to make pancake, his favorite breakfast since as long as he remember.

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