Chapter 18

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Jung-In wandered the perimeter of the back garden, admiring the new sprouting flower buds and tamed shrubberies a young gardener had attended. He couldn't help but to feel proud at the said gardener whom he had passed his gardening skills to.

He paused over a bed of small, purple buds that caught his attention. The dark hue was somber, yet against the soil they appeared vivid and striking. He gasped after he remembered the plant. Deadly nightshade, what was it called. Highly poisonous plant, that even touching the leaves barehanded would be harmful. And its berries, Jung-In wouldn't dare to imagine if anyone accidentally ate its berries.

"Is something wrong?" Asked Dansui when he saw a displeased expression from his friend.

"No, nothing." He answered, writing a mental note to question the gardener why the plant was there. "Come, sit." He gestured Dansui to sit on a small table where one of the maids had placed two cups of English tea for him and the guest.

They fell in silence, sipping their tea, enjoying the beautiful view before them. Jung In's mind, however, was preoccupied with the plant that he thought of as a bad omen. Until Dansui started their conversation.

"How's Haru and Junkyu?" Dansui asked, making Jung-In turn to look at him for a brief moment.

Holding his cup over his lap, he leaned back and smiled. "They're good. Clearly enjoying their time together."

Dansui chuckled. "Doesn't it remind you of old times? I had to come here everyday because of them."

"Yeah, I remember that summer you didn't go fishing at all and you almost lost your sanity." Jung-In laughed at the memory.

"Hey, at least now I know I can beat you in chess." Dansui retorted, punching his old friend on his arm.

Jung-In smiled softly, looking down at his reflection on the tea surface. That summer was one of his favorite summers. Not only does he get to see his friend everyday, he also gets to watch Junkyu happily playing with Haruto. With that much talent, the young master rarely gets to play with children around his age. He spent his time practicing and hopping from one opera house to another until he got to spread his wings in the world of idol. Haruto was pretty much his only friend though their friendship only lasted for one summer.

"I know it's probably too late to say this, but I still owe you an apology." Dansui started. "If only I'm strong enough to convince my son, Junkyu and Haru can grow up together and this thing probably won't happen."

"You owe me nothing. I'm a father too, remember? I understand it wasn't easy to say no to your son. I mean, look at me." He pointed at his butler uniform with an open palm, deadpanned. "And please, that accident wasn't your fault either."

Dansui sighed, looking up to the sky where his son now resides. "I never thought Akio would go before me. As a parent, I felt pathetic that I get to live longer than my son." He paused to put down his cup onto the table. "If only I didn't have a fight with him that day, Haru wouldn't lose his temper to defend me."

"Hmm.. I would be angry too if I was Haru. Akio pushed you until you fell, and it happened right before his eyes. Haru is a kind kid, but he's also a teenager back then, so of course he's going to lose his temper." Jung-In consoled his friend. "And again, I already forgive Akio and Haru for what had happened to Junkyu."

"You don't look like you forgave them." The old veteran said with a somewhat weary smile. "The look on your face tells all."

"Believe me, I did. I—I'm just worried Junkyu would find out it was Akio's car that crashed into Master Kim's car. Only recently he's able to smile again, and it's because of Haru. I couldn't stand seeing him broke—"

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