Memento Mori

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Summer, 3 Years Later..

It was the brightest day of Summer and Junkyu breathed in profoundly as he walked towards rows of engraved stones. Six bouquets of flowers held securely in between his arm and chest, with another hand holding two plastic bags. He could hear little birds chirping softly around him, along with the sound of nature's orchestra behind the shrubs. He stopped at a tombstone and carefully placed one bouquet in front of it before moving to the next five tombstones, each time, he whispered his prayer along with the bouquet.

The wind blew his brunette hair gently as he sat down in front of the middle two tombstones. He took out a bottle of soju and two small glasses from his plastic bag and poured some of it. He drank one glass and put the other right before one stone.

"Hey, Mom, Dad, how are you?" He asked clearly, smoothly, loud enough to be heard from a meter away. "I'm sorry, only now I get to visit. My winter and spring schedule are quite hectic. I even forgot I'm not supposed to sing too often." He chuckled as he grazed his neck.

He poured out another shot of soju before he continued, "But you know, it's my first comeback after more than five years, so everyone wants me to come to their shows and events. Crazy isn't it? How they still want me, even after I disappeared from them. I guess my charm is still there, right?"

With a smile on his face, he threw his head back, letting the summer sun hit his face and kiss his skin. He could feel its heat, and sure it proved how hot it was today. He took off his jacket and let himself collapse on the grass, his back touching the ground, and his front facing the sky.

His schedule had worn him off, but he felt happy. His parents were right, he felt the happiest when he performed on stage, enchanting his fans with his angel-like voice, and saw their faces as they sang along with him.

It wasn't an easy road to come back to the industry. He had gone through a lot, one of it was having to stay alone in the US for over a year to get his vocal chord fixed. He had ran multiple surgeries, endless hours of practices and countless therapy. It was a hell of a torture, and often times, he felt like he wanted to give up and just come back and spend the rest of his life at the village by himself.

Although every time his mind tried to convince him to give up, Junkyu told himself that he did it not only for himself, but also for six people that were buried under the ground in front of him. He sighed as he closed his eyes and folded his arms, fingers linked together on top of his stomach.

"There there.. Why are you laying down in here, looking like you're so ready to join them?" Junkyu heard a male voice, with his shadow hovering above him, his body protecting him from the direct sunlight.

Junkyu didn't open his eyes. A smirk rose from his lips. "I love you." He said.

The man chuckled and shook his head. And just like Junkyu, he placed flower bouquets on each of six stones, before he kneeled in front of the last two. "Konnichiwa, Kaasan, Otousan. Do you miss me? I'm sure you do." He said to the tombstones. He ran his fingers through the stone, feeling the carving of his mother's name. "But don't worry, I'll come more often since this guy right here insists we should spend the whole summer here." He jerked his head to the side, pointing at Junkyu.

"See, abeonim, eomeonim, without me your son won't even come here." Junkyu said as he straightened his back to sit down.

The taller guy turned to look at him with an arched brow. "Since when did you call them with abeonim and eomeonim?"

With a huge grin, Junkyu raised his hand. "Since you gave me this, Watanabe Haruto." He swayed a finger right in front of his face, forcing Haruto to see the platinum ring he had given him weeks ago.

Chuckling in amusement, Haruto stretched his hand out to ruffle the brunette hair playfully, with so much affection. It never came to his mind that one day he would ask his idol to marry him and even more the said idol accepted his proposal. But Junkyu did accept him, despite everything that happened between them, despite all the tragedy and terrible fate that had followed them.

Perhaps, their fate wasn't terrible at all, since at the end of the day both of them were destined to be together. Or perhaps, fate doesn't even care with the fondness between them and what fate did was simply taught them the meaning of life through their griefs.

There is no doubt the Young Master was lost in fame and in the abundance of love he received from those around him. Being born and raised in such a family made him think it was given for him to be an idol that he was. He never belittles his gift nor he down-played all the love he received, but he never thinks of it as a blessing either.

Not until he lost both of them; his voice and his parents.

As for our ever happy-go-lucky Haruto, he used to think there was no pain and suffering in this world that was worthy enough for him to lose his joy for. The boy always had a smile on his face. In class, at lunch, during his game with his friends. For him, happiness is a permanent emotion, that it is a given thing, that sometimes, he thought it was weird for people to have frown on their faces. He failed to appreciate sadness and tragically failed to see that sadness exists for people to appreciate happiness.

Haruto learned through a hard way, when life took his father away along with his eyes. Not only he couldn't see sadness that he questioned so much, but he also couldn't see his happiness.

Whether fate was being nice to destined them to be together, or mischievously toyed with them, or wisely taught them a lesson, there is one thing that we couldn't deny; they survived.

And the way they survived was truly a miracle.

A miracle that came through the man that never left Junkyu. The man that never wished to be called a father. The man that until his last breath only has his son's happiness in his mind. The man that now lives through Haruto's new eyes..

This is a story of a miracle that came not just from the love between the mute and the blind, but also from a pure, sincere love of a father; Jung-In Gi




Finally, the last chapter! Kkeut! Done!

What do you think about this book?

First of all, thank you for reading this book until finish, it meant a lot for me. Thank you for all the votes, comments, shares, and for adding this book to your reading list.

I'm sorry if this book didn't meet up your expectation, though I hope you still enjoy the whole story.

Honestly, this is one of the hardest book I've wrote so far, because I tried new writing style. And I'm not sure if I should do this kind of style again or not. What do you think? I appreciate all feedbacks yeoreobuunn!!

Again, thank you for staying with me in this story!

See you when I see you on the next book!

Ciao! Adios!

Love Heaps,

-Saint Evilish-

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