Chapter 7

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Jung In was looking over his roses, goatskin gloves and a pruner on his hands. The former garden boy took his old job seriously. He concentrated as he pruned the yellow and red roses in front of the Mansion.

He stopped when he heard a car entering the manor, the black foreign car that left early in the morning to pick up his master's guest. He quickly changed his gloves to his usual white ones and dropped the unused one along with his pruner on the side.

He stood patiently for the car to stop near him and in autopilot, he bowed to open the back door. He waited until the guest stepped out of the car before he closed it again. A little bit longer this time as the guest had to taste the ground first with his cane.

Aware of someone standing near him, Haruto bowed politely, but unsure if he had to say anything so he chose to remain silent. Jung In watched Haruto's face for a moment. He noticed the young man's face was a little bit puffier than yesterday and it made him wonder if Haruto continued crying after he left Fumiko last night.

"Young Master is still in his bedroom." Informed Jung In. Haruto recognized his voice. He nodded and made a move to go, but Jung In then said, "Come, I shall escort you there."

He stood next to him, and Haruto slid his hand through the gap between his elbow and rib cage, and rested it on his forearm, allowing the old man to guide him.

The walk was silent. But Haruto didn't want silence. He had too many questions in his head and he had to ask at least some of them.

"How long have you been working here, Sir?" He asked casually. It was a bait question. He knew very well Jung In already worked for the household when he came here as a little boy. That's if his Nana didn't lie to him and he believed the loving grandmother wouldn't lie to him.

"Long enough to know yesterday wasn't the first time you came to this mansion." Answered Jung In. He wanted to be stubborn and pretend he knew nothing about Haruto but after he saw how the young man cared for his master, he decided to listen to Dansui.

Haruto was trying to keep it together. "So you recognize me? Does Junkyu Hyung also recognize me?"

"I don't think young master recognizes you. Your face changed a lot. I know it's you because I saw you coming to this village every year, unlike young master." Said Jung In.

Haruto nodded. It made sense to him. Twelve years wasn't a short time. Sometimes, he even forgets what he looked like when he was seven.

"What about my name?" Haruto paused to feel the staircase with his cane. He continued after he was sure he wouldn't trip as he climbed up. Truth be told, it was easier for him to cruise the stairs by himself rather than have someone dragging him along and he had to match the pace of the other. "Why didn't he remember my name?"

"Isn't it normal for people to forget names?" Jung In raised his brow. "You're not part of his life for years. What do you expect?" He tried to hide his annoyance but Haruto was too sensitive to not pick it up.

"I'm sorry." Haruto mumbled. "I just hope he remembers me." He added quietly. He looked down to his toes as though he could see them.

The butler stared at Haruto, wondering if he was too harsh earlier. He shook his head. He was just stating the obvious, not harsh at all —he thought to himself.

Haruto caught the guilty sigh coming out of Jung In. He used the chance to ask about something else. Perhaps, the butler is going to answer him with the truth, in exchange for an apology for being bitter to his master's guest.

"May I ask why Junkyu Hyung can't talk?" He asked.

Jung In put his feet on halt abruptly and Haruto wasn't prepared for that. He almost lost his balance and could probably fly backwards, down the stairs, break his neck and meet his father in heaven, considering they were at the last step of the curved stairs. He thanked God it didn't happen, though.

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