Chapter 9

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Junkyu stood motionless in the shower, the freezing cold water pouring down his back as he stared blankly at the sandy tiled wall before him. He liked how the cold washed his heat away, making his body feel near to a lifeless one. His eyes went out of focus and he watched the water droplets run down his arms before falling to his feet.

He waited until his body started shivering, until the pad of his fingers creased, until his lips turned purple. Every morning, he tried to mimic the latest state of his parents, before he sent them into the ground. Cold, pale, with purple lips. Sadly, he could never be cold enough, pale enough, and never could have the same hue of purple on his lips as his parents. He still has hot blood shamelessly running on his veins.

He shut the water off, stepped out of his spacious shower stall, and grabbed the clean, soft towel to dry himself off. He stood in front of a wide mirror above the bathroom sink and critically stared at his reflection. He saw nothing but an emotionless face once again. He wasn't sad, nor was he happy. He just felt.. nothing.

His gaze shifted downwards at his body and he felt disgusted at how grotesque it looked. Scars upon scars scattered all over his skin. Evidence of him fell apart. He was sure those companies who used to beg him to show his perfect body and smooth skin on their ads would run once they saw his scars. Not that he wanted to appear in one. Not anymore.

"There, cold shower again." Haruto suddenly burst into the bathroom and snickered.

He held his cane like an old man needs support, not a blind man who needs safe surroundings. He was already familiar with Junkyu's room and his ensuite bathroom; he no longer needed his cane to move around.

Junkyu just stared at him through the mirror. He didn't bother to cover his scars, Haruto can't see them anyway. Though he was wondering how fast Haruto had adapted to his mansion. Last night was his third night to sleep in the manor, or Junkyu's bedroom to be exact, but still, he is blind.

"You know what Hyung, you really have a bad habit of leaving me alone on the bed." Said Haruto as he stepped closer to the sink. He folded his cane and placed it right behind the faucet, the most secured spot he could find so far.

The young master ignored him. He pulled out his hairdryer from the cabinet and proceed to blow-dry the slightly brown hair. He had bought a new hairdryer and had it delivered a day after Haruto spent his first night there. He thought his old one was too noisy for Haruto's sensitive ears.

"I always sleep after you fall asleep. Don't you think you should wait until I wake up before you get up from the bed?" Haruto continued protesting while brushing his teeth as though it was nothing. As though they were having a normal daily conversation.

In a way, they had. Haruto always has something to talk about while they do their morning routines. Although most of the time —if not all the time— Junkyu just ignored him.

Haruto continued rambling about how cold the bedroom was, how Junkyu should open his bedroom windows once a day for better air circulation and on and on and on. He sounded like a whiny teenager who received a bad present on their 16th birthday. While in fact, he did it so Junkyu would have a slightly lively morning.

He stopped talking when a familiar flowery, milky, chemically fragrance filled his nose. It was the smell of Junkyu's face moisturizer. Haruto already took mental note of Junkyu's morning routines. And that scent was a cue for him to start counting down from sixty to zero.

By ten, Haruto would hear Junkyu pull open a drawer to put whatever that moisturizer was back to its place. By five, Haruto would hear Junkyu tapping his cheeks. And by zero, Junkyu would walk away from the bathroom.

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