Chapter 21

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Once again, after days of cold rooms and empty beds, Junkyu and Haruto woke up with warm, comforting bodies pressed against one and another, feeling content and complete. And for the first time in what felt like eternity, they had an extremely good night sleep and a pleasantly sweet dream.

They fell asleep after a long hours of discussing their plan as they couldn't wait for their journey in Prague, one of the most romantic cities in Europe, sitting proudly alongside Paris and Rome, with its breath-taking views, fairy tale cobblestone streets and pastel-colored building; the ideal recipe for romance.

"Goood Moorniing.." Haruto greeted with half open eyes and a big yawn as he stretched his limbs in four direction.

Junkyu, who was awake an hour earlier, chuckled at how innocent his boyfriend looks, with dry liquid lined from the corner of his mouth and down halfway to his chin, lazy eyes, and spiked bed-hair.

"Morning." He wrote on Haruto's chest.

Haruto rubbed his eyes and yawned for the second time. "What time is it?" He asked.

The young master reached for his phone on the other side of the bed and took a glimpse of the screen. "Eight in the morning." He wrote again, on Haruto's bare arm this time.

Sighing, the blind turned to his side, facing Junkyu, and scooped him halfway into his hug, leaving some space for Junkyu to bend his arms and use his phone "You really don't want to go with me today, huh?"

"I want to, but I can't. I need to pack my stuff first. And besides, you know I can't get inside a car yet. I need at least another night of proper sleep before I can ride my bike for six hours straight. And I don't want to risk your safety by bringing you along with me on a bike for such a long distance." He typed.

Only half of it was the truth. He doesn't need to pack anything, he has everything he needs in his city house, and even if he does need something from the mansion, his maids would do it for him and send it to his house the next day. He doesn't need more sleep, he had enough to survive a mere six hours ride.

He lied because he knew how stubborn his boyfriend is. Although it's still summer, harsh cold wind is still there, ready to prick them to their bones. Junkyu is already used to it. Riding his bike against the wind at high speed was part of his coping mechanism, the more he got hit, the more he felt free from his disturbing mind. And the louder his bike produced, the more he could block all noises playing with his sanity.

But for Haruto, riding his bike would be far too cold, far too loud, and far too uncomfortable. And sending him to ride a bus is far more appealing for Junkyu. At least Haruto could get some sleep under the warmth of rented blanket and not-so-cozy throw pillow the intercity bus provided.

Haruto grunted and sulked, swinging his legs as though he was a toddler having a tantrum. It happened last night after he failed to convince Junkyu to go back to the city with him and it's happening again now, resulting a rolling eyes from Junkyu.

"I promise I'll be there before you know it. And I'll take you to the bus station today. Or if you don't want to go by bus, I can ask my chauffeur to drive you." He typed again.

"I want you to go with me, not your chauffeur. I rather use bus." Haruto scoffed. He crossed his leg over Junkyu's and held him like he was a bolster. "Urrgghh.. I'm going to miss youu.." He said, squeezing his lover, almost crunching his bones.

Said someone who didn't want to see me for days —Junkyu thought as he rolled his eyes.

In that moment, Junkyu didn't realize that in a few hours time fate toyed with them once again and he would regret his decision, and if he could turn back time, he would beg Haruto to go with him by bike.

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