Chapter 3

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Two days had passed and so did The Nightingale and The Rose, and The Devoted Friend —two of Wilde's story— leaving the last story to be told. The Happy Prince itself.

The days went by the same way. Junkyu would wait for Haruto to come and Haruto starts his story immediately after he said his greetings. They spoke nothing. They just stared at each other for awhile until Junkyu's phone uttered his command and he left Haruto behind.

They sat at the same bench, facing the same light blue sky and dark blue ocean. The rippling waves still wash the sands the same way with the same white bubbles along the track. Nothing had changed.

Except the distance between the two.

They were then fingers closer each day without them noticing. At day five, their shoulders almost touch one another. The only gap between them was two hands on the bench with overlapping little fingers.

Like usual, Haruto shoved his cane into the bag and pulled out his book. He wasn't as excited today for it's going to be the last day he read the book to Junkyu.

He sighed before he spoke, "This is the last story titled The Happy Prince, my favorite among five. Its about a statue of a deceased prince and a swallow bird. I will start now Hyung."

Haruto placed both hands on the book and his fingers starts reading. "High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt.."

Junkyu stared at the ocean as he listening to Haruto. He doesn't know Haruto has no more book to read after today yet he felt certain uneasiness inside him. Haruto's voice sounds different to his ears. The words that came from his mouth wasn't as smooth as usual.

It was strangled in his throat it seemed.

"...everything about me was so beautiful. My courtiers called me the Happy Prince, and happy indeed I was, if pleasure be happiness. So I lived, and so I died. And now that I am dead they have set me up here so high that I can see all the ugliness and all the misery of my city, and though my heart is made of lead yet I cannot chose but weep..." Haruto paused and swallowed hard.

He closed his book and bent his shoulders toward his knees. It wasn't even half the story yet when he decided he couldn't continue further. "I-I can't continue the story.. I'm sorry Hyung.." He said.

He ran his fingers on his hair in frustration. He doesn't want the story to end. He doesn't want it to be the last day he meet Junkyu.

Junkyu's face turned sour and for the first time in days he felt his anger rose above his limit. His jaw clenched tight as he pulled out his phone. "Why?" Asked the mechanical voice.

Haruto turned his face. "Tell me, are you going to ask me to come again even when I don't have anymore books to read?"

Huh? Isn't he supposed to have a lot of braille books?

Junkyu thought for a moment. Why would he ask him to come if he can't hear his voice? It was his voice that he needed and he still hate it if anyone talk to him.

He typed in on his phone. "No."

"Then I won't continue. You have to come again tomorrow if you want to hear it." Haruto placed his book on top of his bag.

He was annoyed. After days of meeting him, he thought the older had something else other than him reading the book.

Junkyu vigorously tapped on his phone screen. "What's the deal with you. Continue read the book. I'll pay you to read."

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