Chapter 12

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Junkyu grimaced as he stood in front of a house a few meters away from the beach. It wasn't because the two story house had almost similar size with the maid corner at his mansion. It wasn't because of the ridiculous number of sunflowers that were planted along its fence, making the house itself look like it was being invaded by the yellow flower.

No. He grimaced because of how orange the house was, he almost thought it wasn't a house, but a giant mutated tangerine. He remembers Haruto told him his grandpa painted the house in orange color so people could recognize it immediately. If that's the case, even an astronaut could tell Haruto's house from outer space.

"Come, Hyung." Haruto took Junkyu's hand as they marched into the front door.

After their emotional swimming session, Haruto had asked Junkyu to come to his grandparents house since it was close from the beach. He wanted to introduce Junkyu to the Watanabe couple and besides, he kind of miss his Nana and Pops after spending a few nights at the mansion.

"Don't worry, my grandparents won't bite you." He joked when he felt Junkyu was a little bit nervous.

He was nervous, most definitely. He hadn't met anyone new, aside from Haruto, for a very very long time. He was unsure how to greet anyone without his voice and without a smile that seemed to ever present. They would think he's entitled or cocky.

What if they kicked him out of the house the moment they saw him? What if Haruto's grandparents won't allow him to stay in the mansion again after they met him? What if they think he's not a good company for Haruto? Well, who wouldn't, right?

"Nana, I'm home." Haruto announced from the doorway, unaware of the amount of what ifs running inside Junkyu's head.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Joked the eighty-nine years old Japanese as she walks towards the door. Her walking stick clanking against the white pristine floor.

Junkyu watched as she came closer. She looked tiny compared with the two walking giants. They towered her for a solid 10 inches. The tip of her silver white hair probably only touch their chest.

She perked up when her eyes caught Junkyu standing behind her grandson. "Oh my, who do we have here?" She said as she got even closer to Junkyu.

"You know who, Nan." Haruto smirked. He stepped aside and grabbed Junkyu's shoulders to push him forward.

The young master doesn't know what to do. He wanted to smile but his smile is going to look hideous, more like a grimace than an actual smile.

Before he knew it, Fumiko already pulled him down into a hug. The typical grandmother hug where you can't resist nor you can pull away despite how uncomfortable it is to bend down almost halfway towards your feet.

Junkyu awkwardly put his stiff hands over Fumiko's back as she gently tapped his'. She then pulled away and gave Junkyu a kiss on his cheek.

"You look even more handsome from up close." Said Fumiko, placing a hand on Junkyu's cheek while another hand clutching on his arm, grazing it ever so slightly.

Junkyu felt overwhelmed from the small, genuine gesture. When was it the last time he felt the similar warmth spreading through him from a simple gesture? He couldn't even remember. The last time he let anyone —again, aside from Haruto— to touch him was during his parents' funeral.

Even then he could only feel a cold, fake sympathy with the repetitive epithet of 'I am so sorry for your loss' or 'they will surely be missed'. He knew very well those tears and well wishes from everyone who came to mourn for his parents were just as empty and meaningless as if they were discussing the weather.

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