Chapter 20

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"Haru, are you sure you don't want to see Junkyu before you leave?" Asked Fumiko as she watched her grandson fumbling around with his luggage wide open on the bed.

Haruto shook his head, "No Nan, I can't see him." He said with a hoarse voice and completely defeated expression. The same expression he'd worn for the past four days.

Fumiko gripped on the much taller shoulders to stop the owner from moving around recklessly. Haruto's contaminated head was too all over the place that he seemed to not know what he was doing, as though only yesterday he turned blind, dropping his clothes and book and stuff on the floor over and over again before he could place it correctly inside his luggage.

"Haru, every decision bears its own consequences. If any, you should be the one who understands it better than the others." Fumiko reprimanded, her hands still planted firmly on his shoulders. "Are you sure you won't regret it?"

Regret. It was too late to ask him of regrets. He had too many, he's afraid he doesn't have enough fingers to count. He regrets that he fought with his dad, he regrets he heard Dansui and Jung-In's conversation, he regrets he didn't find out the truth earlier, he regrets he left the mansion, he regrets he let Junkyu walked away when he came to him.

"N-Nan.. I-I—"

"Oh, my poor child." She murmured, pulling him into her warm embrace and held him close. She spotted the signs, the signals, the silent pleas of help and the subtle hints of insanity.

Haruto cried silently into her shoulder, pulling her tighter and trying not to sob aloud. Her fingers traced the curve of his spine as she whispered empty comforts in his ear, telling him everything would be okay. He would be okay.

All Haruto heard was false hope. He would never be okay. Not when his heart had been torn into two and his soul had been crushed from hurting the man he loves. He would never be okay without Junkyu.

All Fumiko saw was the edge of relapse coming tauntingly closer, ready to pull her grandson down into its jaws of despair and swallow him whole. She wasn't going to let that happen. The last few days were enough. Haruto had torture himself enough and its time for her to be the grandmother she supposed to be from the beginning.

She brought Haruto to sit on the empty side of the bed and hugged him again, caressing his coal hair and brushing her hand over Haruto's arm. She rocked him as though she tried to calm a lost child down.

"Haru, you still have time until tomorrow. You can fix this, my dear." Whispered Fumiko, still rocking Haruto back and forth.

"What can be fixed, Nan? It already happened.. I already took his life away from him.. I took his parents.. I took his dream.." He murmured between his sobs.

"First of all, you didn't take anything from him. What's meant to happen, will happen. You simply had no control over it. Don't blame yourself too much for something that was bound to happen." She started. "Second of all, remember the tales I told you? The fisherman, sun, and star?" She asked and Haruto replied through a nod on the crook of her neck.

He obviously remembers the odd tales his Nana told him on the day he met Junkyu for the first time at the beach. And to this day, he still thinks it was an odd story.

"Just like how the sun gives its light to the star every time it dimmed in the night sky, you too, can share your light to your star. The poor fisherman can't go back to see his daughter if both the sun and the star didn't exist, Haru. You can give him the new life he needed, just like how he gave you a new life after that accident."

Haruto stubbornly shook his head, "No, Nan, I'm not a sun. I'm the darkness who swallowed his lights."

"That was nonsense. Yes, you're blind, but I'm sure you can see how much the young master changed after he met you. Don't try to deny that you helped him to speak and play music again." Fumiko scolded.

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