Chapter 4

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Woody, smoky, earthy, and old. The first thing that comes to Haruto's mind as he enter the room. He smelled the scent of old books, and dust, prickling his nose; silence fills his ears.

"Are we in a library?" He asked. Twirling slowly as though he could feel flying dust shimmering in the light.

He imagined he came inside from a huge wooden door with giant oversized handles that are smooth and worn down to a light brown finish. He imagined tiny dust clouds splashes from carpeted floor as he dragged his feet, dissolving into the air with every steps he took.

The young master took his hand and held his palm up. His index finger gently move and create a 'yes' on Haruto's palm.

He smiled, and spoke softly, "That's a good idea, writing in my palm instead of using your phone." Haruto likes the feeling of Junkyu touching him. It made him felt less distant with the older.

Junkyu grabbed Haruto's hand and guided him to one corner of the library. It was a giant library filled with massive collection of books. Old and new, from 18th century to modern day. Lined perfectly in each shelves. It seemed to disappear into the high ceiling, stretching along the massive room.

Books with embroidered leather covers were placed in one section. Followed by more modern book cover printing techniques; embossing, gilt, multi-color lithography. All beautiful with colorful spines and intricate design, nonetheless.

The Kim family's library is heaven to bookworm. They didn't miss any kind of literature. Written and oral. From dramas, autobiography, prose, journalistic literature to printed folklore, ballads, myth and fables. From William Shakespeare to J.K Rowling. From bibles to erotic plays.

The section Junkyu guided Haruto into was the last addition to their collection. Built after his great-grandmother lost her vision due to disease. The section was filled with his great-grandma's favorite books that were printed in braille. The rest of his family's favorites followed not long after.

Junkyu brought Haruto to the far left of the six meters long shelf. He stood behind the younger with his left hand on the latter waist while his right hand went to guide Haruto's hand tracing the books.

"Are these.." Haruto trailed off as his fingertips touch the dots on the side cover of some books. "You gotta be kidding me." He continued under his breath.

Junkyu lightly squeezed Haruto waist for him to move. He placed Haruto's fingers on one of the row. Haruto's face was gradually changed from an awe, to a light frown, and to a scowl at every cover he read.

"Really Hyung.." Haruto sighed. He felt stupid at the last book he touched. It was the same book he has been reading to Junkyu. "Do you have the regular version?" He asked. Junkyu wrote a 'yes' on his arm.

"Did you read them?" He asked again. Junkyu wrote another 'yes'. "When?" He inquired.

Junkyu stared at Haruto's face, observing his expression as he inhale his masculine woody spicy musk scents. He stood so close to him, as though they were one person. He felt another weird feeling inside. Indescribable to his own mind.

His head was pondering before he wrote a longer sentence on Haruto's arm, 'It doesn't matter'.

It doesn't matter for Junkyu. He only needs Haruto to read for him although he had read the whole book the night after he met Haruto. He wasn't a patient person on the first place. And the fact Haruto made him unable to sleep that day, didn't help him to contain his curiosity over the book. 

Though his initial expectation was for Haruto to read more than one story a day, so he can hear his voice longer.

Haruto sighed again. He felt his Hyung tricked him. He thought the older ask him to come because he wants to know the stories. Huh? Then why he ask me to read for him?

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