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Kusuo Saiki P.O.V

that was a few months ago.

the guy Toritsuka was referring to is called [Y/n] [L/n].

just as Toritsuka predicted, his classmate was moved to my class. apparently it was the teachers idea and [L/n] didn't even want to switch classes.

Toritsuka was right however. this guy is super average! and since he's in my class i don't have to worry about making an excuse just to take a peak at him!

Satou ended up moving and changed schools not to long after [L/n] switched into my class so i guess it's okay that Satou thought i was weird.

out of all the weirdos in this class he managed to befriend the most normal people here.

granted the most normal people in this class are Sawakita, Zolbe, and maybe Takahashi or Hairo but they're the closet thing to normal we have and he somehow managed to befriend all of them.

but that might change soon considering Hairo is thinking about introducing him to his other friends like Nendo, Kaido, and i. that'll ruin it, as of now he's the most average kid in school and now Nendo's here to ruin that.

i would do something but that'd look suspicious so i won't intervene.

"[Y/n]!" Hairo walked up to [L/n]'s desk, "wanna sit with me at lunch today? i wanna introduce you to some of my friends."

he looked away from his phone and up at Hairo.

for your own sake [L/n] please say no.

"sure why not. Takahashi is sick today anyways so it would've just been Zolbe, Sawakita, and I." he gave Hairo a smile.

seems like he's feeling better, good.

oh yeah i forgot to mention, [L/n] has been really quiet recently. outwardly anyways. inside he was always thinking, always worried.

he told his friends why and of course i know as i can read his mind but besides that no one else noticed he even changed. one of the perks of being average, no one notices when you're having an off day. how lucky.

oh well, Hairo sits at the same table i do so maybe i could actually become friends with this Average-Joe and blend in better.

and on cue the lunch bell rings.

[L/n] pulls out a wooden bento box and waits for Hairo to grab his own. i couldn't help but notice Hairo had the exact same box.

they're matching? was that on purpose or a coincidence?

i never got an answer because Nendo grabbed me by the collar of my uniform and dragged me to the cafeteria.

for once i wasn't dreading sitting with these loud-mouthed hooligans for lunch because Hairo was giving the perfect opportunity to talk to an actually normal person.

"you seem happier today Saiki, did something happen?" Kaido asked. guess i was being obvious. i didn't respond, Nendo just kept dragging me along.

not to long after Nendo, Kaido, Aren, and i sat down Hairo and his friend sat down at our table.

"hey guys, you don't mind if [Y/n] sits with us right?"

no one protested so they both cracked open their lunches.

the box is the same on the inside too? they really are matching. Kaido noticed too and pointed it out.

"you guys have the same lunch box?" they both nodded.

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