[Y/n] [L/n] P.O.V
i know what i have to say, but do i really have the guts to say it out loud? i get nervous just thinking about it!
Saiki knows i like him, it not like i'm guessing he can literally read my mind. he knows.
at least it doesn't seem to bother him but he definitely wants me to tell him. its like he wants to hear me say it, not just think it but actually admit to his face how i feel.
he is right though, i have to say something eventually.
standing around a psychic who knows you have a crush on him, pretending like that crush doesn't exist is a little less then classy. you're just annoying your poor psychic friend at that point.
so i have to do something. it's only fair to Saiki.
i skipped school yesterday to think and got more then an earful from my grandma because of it. she even pulled the, "your mother would be so upset," that stung a little.
i spent most of that day thinking so even though i'm still scared i have to say it today. i already told Saiki i was gonna tell him today so i wouldn't chicken out last minute.
so now i just have to form the words. but that's the hardest part.
no, no it's gonna be fine!! Saiki can read my mind! he knows exactly what i'm gonna say.
the worst that'll happen is he'll stop talking to me. i'll definitely be upset but i've already mentally prepared for that to happen so i'll only be a little sad!
i have this!
the bell rang, schools over. i told Saiki i'd tell him after school today.
i do not have this!
he already knows, why is this so scary?! i got that creeping feeling on the back of my head again like i was being stared at.
i can feel Saiki's disappointment from here. i'm not gonna chicken out!!
i turned around fast and caught him, he quickly turned his head away of course.
i saw that, you creep. "i don't know what you're talking about." such a child. . .
"hey [L/n]?" huh? oh it's Takahashi, Zolbe, and Sawakita!
that's right. just because they aren't apart of the main plot doesn't mean they don't exist. but they're still not apart of the main plot, so what do they want?
"hmm? what's up Sawakita?" i looked up at the three as i began to put my stuff away.
"we we're supposed to get shawarma yesterday remember? where were you?" oh yeah, i guess i got distracted and forgot our plans.
"oh sorry! i wasn't feeling to good yesterday."
Takahashi looked annoyed with my answer. i get the feeling he doesn't like me very much.
"well come on. don't tell me you have other plans today." Takahashi said crossing his arms in front of himself.
i zipped up my bag and stood up. hey look a perfect chance to chicken out better take it!

𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 [Saiki x Male! Reader]
FanfictionOrdinary [Saiki x Male! Reader] COMPLETED :D Saiki has always had a thing for the perfectly normal and ordinary. So when one of those ordinary people get switched into the same class as Saiki it's only natural for him to be curious. Saiki soon fin...