[Y/n] [L/n] P.O.V
i know i shoved it off to the side and tried to forget about it, but what happened at the tutoring session was just plain weird.
i don't want to butt in their personal lives but it just doesn't make any sense!
am i missing something?
believe it or not, i'm not dumb. i know when somebody lying to me and i know something was going on with those two even if Saiki said there wasn't.
there's no way they'd just randomly start fighting after having some weird kind of staring contest right? that's not like either of them.
at first i thought it was something with Toritsuka's ability to see ghosts? but that would imply that Saiki can see them too. . .
Toritsuka can see and communicate with ghosts so maybe he has other powers too? maybe they did have an argument and i didn't hear it because of that?
yeah that makes sense! well not really. . .
under any other circumstance that conclusion would be absolute nonsense. but considering we're talking about Toritsuka it's possible.
maybe he has some kind of power that let's him talk without certain people hearing?
or maybe so only one person can hear? yeah that sounds about right!
i'm pretty sure there's a word for that too!
i can't remember the word. it starts with "tele" i know that much.
oh! telekinesis? i think that's the word!
but that doesn't matter, i should ask him before i assume anything.
→time skip; lunch break←
"[Y/n] you're gonna eat lunch with us again, right?"
"uhh sorry Kineshi, i have to do some things first. if i have time i'll come sit with you guys, okay?"
he only nodded before he was on his way. i'm glad Kineshi is so understanding. he's always been the type though so i'm not too surprised.
i grabbed my lunch box and headed out to Toritsuka's classroom.
"stop hitting on girls Toritsuka!! you're being creepy." that caught his attention. plus the attention of the girl he was trying to pick up.
the girl mouthed me a "thank you," and Toritsuka rolled his eyes before getting up and walking over to me.
"what do you want? she was totally into me man you ruined it."
i wouldn't be so sure. . .
"she looked like she was about to hit you."
"she was not!! she was about to give me her number!"
"mhmm sure, now come on. i have to ask you about something." i lead him away from his classroom. mostly so he would leave that poor girl alone.

𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 [Saiki x Male! Reader]
FanfictionOrdinary [Saiki x Male! Reader] COMPLETED :D Saiki has always had a thing for the perfectly normal and ordinary. So when one of those ordinary people get switched into the same class as Saiki it's only natural for him to be curious. Saiki soon fin...