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in the last chapter

now Saiki, give me the answers or i'll tell [L/n]-'

"don't you dare tell him-"

'-that you have psychic powers!'
"-that i have a crush on him."


[Y/n] [L/n] P.O.V

something really weird happened while Saiki and i were tutoring Toritsuka.

i honestly don't know what happened.

Toritsuka was having a really hard time with this one problem. i tried helping him as much as i could, Saiki was really helpful too but he just couldn't get it.

hell, i even thought about giving up but he's really desperate for the magazines i got him.

Toritsuka knows my rules for this type of thing. if i have to give him the answer he doesn't get a prize.

while i was looking at my answer key i knew the two boys were looking at each other but they didn't say anything so i didn't think anything of it.

as i was staring at the paper Saiki suddenly stood up and slammed his hands on the table. the chair squeaked back when he stood and slammed to the floor.

i looked over at him but he still didn't say anything. he looked really upset.

"huh? is something wrong?" i don't think either of them heard me.

i looked over at Toritsuka but he had a big cocky smile on his face and didn't break eye contact with Saiki.

before i could say anything else both of their jaws dropped a little. Toritsuka looked surprised but when i looked over at Saiki. . .

he looks terrified!! but nothing happened? what's going on?

no one said anything but they're acting like something major was just revealed on their favorite show or something.

"u-umm are you guys okay?" Saiki grabbed Toritsuka by the arm and dragged him away from the table. "wait! where are you going?!"

he turned to me, oh god he looks pissed!! "we're gonna have a talk in the kitchen."

"uhh o-okay."

he dragged Toritsuka to the kitchen. when they got there he let go of Toritsuka's arm and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

they're not even talking! they're acting like they're about to fight but no ones saying anything!!

Toritsuka is speaking a little now but he's whispering.

"okay i'm sorry! i didn't know!" he whispered and put his hands up defensively.

Saiki didn't respond at all though. he still looks really upset.

i'm so confused. i have no idea what's going on.

this is weird. for both of them.

𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 [Saiki x Male! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now