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[Y/n] [L/n] P.O.V

i woke up groggy and still slightly sleepy. falling asleep on a real bed feels amazing! especially after weeks of sleeping on a wooden-floor "mattress".

i didn't even want to open my eyes, but of course i had to.

i mean for starters, Saiki definitely knows i'm awake. plus i don't want to over stay my welcome again.

if i were to just roll over and fall back asleep i'd definitely stay asleep all night. Saiki would have to wake me up so i could leave and i'd feel mean. so, it's time to be on my way.

i sat up and stretched my arms, rubbing my arms before opening them.

i looked around a bit to see if Saiki was in the room. i didn't see him until i looked down anD OH SHIT HE'S RIGHT THERE!! IS HE ASLEEP? WHY DIDN'T HE WAKE ME UP?!

shut up, shut up! i don't know how his powers work, what if i think to loud and wake him up?!

i instinctively put a hand over my mouth to quiet myself.

i took a deep breath to calm my thoughts.

so what should i do? Saiki is close to the edge of the bed, meaning if i try to get off the bed while he's still asleep i'd probably end up waking him up.

i don't want to wake him up but if i just sit here staring at him he'd never talk to me again. i look across the room through the window.

it's still fairly bright outside. in fact the sun hasn't even started setting.

i guess it's fine if i stay a bit longer. but i can't fall sleep! if i do i'll be here all night, he'd be mad!

i reached for my phone but, crap it's in my bag. aww man, my bag is in the genkan downstairs too.

i peered around the room some more looking for something to do. there's really nothing i can do without waking him up though.

i know he can't turn off his telepathy, it must be hard for him to fall asleep so i really don't want to bother him.

there's nothing else i can do but lay back down and relax a little.

it'll be okay, i'll force myself to stay awake! that way when he wakes up he won't have to wake me up to send me home!

i lean back down, careful not to nudge him.

i couldn't help but glance over at Saiki. no stop! i'm being creepy again!!

i look up at the roof, practically staring it down like it was threatening me.

i haven't been able to just relax in a real bed for a while! relaxing with your eyes open is practically the same as sleeping, right? right?

if i remember right, Saiki said he'd wake me up if he wanted to take a nap so why didn't he? maybe he forgot?

his bed is big enough for the both of us so i guess it's fine but jeez did it scare me.

you probably figured it out by now, but there's very little chance my sleep-deprived ass will stay awake.

i mean i'm trying! every time i felt my eyes start to close i forced them back open until they dried out. but that just made them sting and when i closed my eyes to give them moisture i felt myself starting to fall asleep again.

no stop!! stay awake you idiot!

i thought about slapping myself to wake me up. i decided against it, mostly because ow and partially because the noise would wake up Saiki.

i looked over at Saiki again, checking if he was awake. he was very much asleep. i sighed and got comfy on the bed.

if i'm honest, i'm scared.

i need a bed to sleep on, i can't keep sleeping on the floor but i don't have the money for a new bed. Saiki's bed is the only one i have, but if i need a bed that means i need Saiki.

incase you haven't figured it out yet, my parents abandoning me really messed with my head. they said they'd be back in a week and they never did. i don't even know if they're in Japan! they could be anywhere in the world and i'm all alone.

grandma and grandpa took care of me for a little, sure, but then they got tired of me and brought me to that shabby room i call a house.

the people i needed most got tired of me and left. i don't want to need Saiki because that means he'll leave too.

just the thought kills me. i care about him a lot and i don't want another person i care about to leave me.

i don't want to rely on others and yet i'm here again. he'll leave soon and i'll be just as dumbfounded about it as i was the last two times.

that thought scares me, that i'll be abandoned again.

i felt myself starting to tear up. it hurts to think about. i covered my eyes with my hands in attempts to stop the tears.

a gentle hand push my forehead onto Saiki's chest.

i didn't look up to see if he was awake or not and frankly it didn't really matter, i felt safe. even if it was something he did in his sleep in this very moment i feel safe and that's all that matters to me.

the tiny tears rolled down my face. i wiped them away with my hands so they wouldn't wet Saiki's shirt.

it's stupid that i'm crying, i know that. yet it felt nice to quietly let out all of the pent up anger, frustration, and fear inside of me.

the hand on the back of my head comfortingly stroked through my hair.

i wiped my eyes, trying my best to calm down before i looked up at him. "i'm sorry. . ." he didn't say anything. he looked down at me with a small, warm smile on his face.

it's funny, now that i think about it i don't think i've seen him smile at anything but sweets before.

"you're important to me so don't worry about being abandoned again." i could feel myself starting to cry again. i buried my face into my hands and quietly sobbed.

Saiki stayed quiet, he held me until i couldn't cry anymore and the next thing i knew i was asleep again.

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