Chapter 37: I love you!

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Two weeks later, I woke up to an empty bed, Itachi was gone. I walked around the base looking for him but there was no sign of him. I asked Kakazu and Hidan if they had seen him, but they had no idea. I made breakfast and was eating alone when Tobi and Kisame walked in. "Kisame, have you seen Itachi?" I asked him and he just smiled shaking his head, "what's so funny?" he just shrugged.

"I think Itachi went out the hideout," Tobi whispered, "by the way happy 19th birthday."

"How do you know?" I asked him and Kisame just laughed, "What the hell is so funny Kisame? Don't tell me, Sasori gave you some of his special candy."

"Happy Birthday to my favorite Uchiha," Deidara said hugging me.

"Does everyone know?" I looked at them annoyed.

"Let's say that whatever Itachi is doing, was our idea," Deidara said eating from my plate.

"I have more candy if you need some for later," Sasori sat next to me with a smirk on his face, "you know, to relax for whatever reason."

I looked at all of them completely confused and embarrassed. Itachi was planning something, and they all knew. I got up and took my plate from Deidara, "there is more on the stove," I told him before walking to the counter. I finished eating and headed to my room, I cleaned up and did the little laundry we had. As I was separating the clothes, I found a small bottle of pills in Itachi's pants. Was he taking medicine? I just looked at the bottle and put it over his folded clothes.

Once I was done, I went back to the room and he was there seating on the bed. "Where have you been?" I asked trying to sound casual.

"Somewhere," he gave me a warm smile. "Here I got you this" he handed me a box. I opened it and it was a white long qipao dress, with a black sash, I pulled it out and it had the Uchiha crest on the back.

"It's beautiful," I whispered.

"Put it on, there is somewhere I want to take you," he said smiling.

I took the box and went to the restroom, I took a quick shower and changed. I had never used any make up nor did I felt the need to wear it, I brushed my long hair and let it down. I saw my myself in the mirror one more time before leaving and a doubt started clouding my mind. I felt uneasy, I was sure something was going to happen tonight and I didn't know if I was ready.  I took a deep breath and went to Sasori's room. I opened the door without knocking, he was seating on his bed working on one of his puppets. He looked up angry, but his expression completely changed when he saw me.

"Would you look at that," he said putting his puppet down, "you actually look like a real woman now."

"Excuse me," I was slightly offended.

"All I'm saying is that you look beautiful," he smiled and started working on his puppet again, "Itachi is a lucky man." I didn't know what to say, Sasori wasn't the type of person to give compliments. "So, I'm guessing you are here for some candy?" he looked back at me.

"Well, dressing like this makes me uncomfortable and I need to something to help me calm down," I looked around his room nervously.

He smiled and walked towards his desk, he got a small vial from his drawer and handed it to me. "Put it in your drink and it will help with your nerves," he smiled, "Izu, just one drop, okay?" I nodded and walked out of his room.

I ran back to the restroom and put three drops in cup with water and drank it. I walked in the room and Itachi was seating on the bed reading a scroll. I saw his face expression changed just like with Sasori when he saw me, but Itachi's was more noticeable. "I'm ready," I told him blushing in all different shades of red.

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