Chapter Thirty-Three

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~Two Months Later~

Life had been busy lately. I had now taken almost full control over the Italian Mafia and I felt like the most powerful woman on planet earth. Noah and I had started going on small business trips together and having a lot of fun going swimming and finding new restaurants to eat at.

While we had to grow up quickly, we still had that playful side that needed to be expressed so we would spend any extra time playing soccer in the backyard or watching old kid movies. Sometimes I would entertain each other with a personal cooking show where we would make a dish from our home country. We both decided that I won each round with all of my pastas, breads, and baked goods.

Tonight Noah and I had a gala to attend, officially accepting me as the Italian mafia leader. I had a dress made for myself a few weeks back so it wold be ready in time. Now it sat in my closet taunting me. I tried it on when I first got it just to show Noah but just as soon as I put it on, Noah had taken it off me and thrown me on our bed.

As I got ready in my makeup room, Noah came in and sat behind me on the bench. He gave my shoulder light kisses before resting his chin on it to continue watching me. As I was brushing through my eyebrows, I felt his hands clasp onto my hips, squeezing them tightly.

"Don't you remember the last time you wore this dress around me?" He asked in a whisper then turning to kiss behind my ear.

"Yes." I said with a slight giggle.

"Well I kinda wanna do that again." He told me while moving my straightened hair and pressing a firm kiss on my neck.

"Sounds nice but we have to get going soon." I told him as I finished my makeup.

"You're a buzzkill." He groaned while I stood up and moved to go put my heels on.

I laughed at him as I left the room and started walking down the staircase, purposely swinging my hips to tease Noah who was walking behind me.

We got to the car and Noah opened my door for me before moving around to the drivers side. Before pulling out, of the driveway, two other cars did. I assumed it was just security and grabbed my phone out of my purse.

Charli and my mom were supposed to be coming but Noah said not to since there's been a lot of tension between us and the Swedish mafia so eliminating the targets was the best thing to do. Noah's father was going to be there though so at least I would have one "parent" to congratulate me.

As I was texting pictures of my dress to my mom, Noah's hand came down and clasped itself around my thigh. He placed it higher up to tease me but I wasn't going to let him get to me. I placed my hand on top of his and let my head fall back against the headrest.

"How long until we get there?" I asked after 30 minutes.

"Only about 20 more minutes." He told me with a sigh.

I nodded my head and continued to look out the window at the pink clouds and setting sun.

Not too long after our short conversation, we pulled into a loop with two cars in front of us and two behind us. A man came up to my door and opened it for me, reaching his hand out for me to grab. I thanked him and waited for Noah to meet me at my side.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and we stood waiting for our security to join us.

"Alright I want everyone on high alert tonight. There are rivaling mafias here and if anything happens to us you all will be held accountable." He told them all seriously.

All of the men nodded their heads and got into place in front and behind us once again. Noah leaned his head down to whisper to me before we walked in the double doors.

"If anything happens, don't hesitate to take your wedding ring off. That is your life line. Don't forget it." He said before kissing the side of my head.

I smiled up at him before we walked in the doors. The entire room was silent most likely due to the sheer intimidation we carried with us. Two mafia capos that are married, essentially having an entire army? Tell me that's not the most terrifying thing you've ever heard before. We could take over a medium sized country if we really wanted to.

We walked to the front of the room where the bar was and grabbed a few drinks before going to find Noah's father. I was in a giggly mood today and drinking alcohol was not helping my situation.

Noah's Pov:

Dixie was a little bit tipsy after only three drinks. She could usually hold it together but we haven't been drinking a lot lately. We hadn't even had a glass of wine with dinner for the past couple months. Odd but maybe she was trying to be healthier.

"I'm gonna head to the bathroom. I'll be back soon." She whispered in my ear.

"Take Chase with you." I said before letting go of her hip.

She went over to the table where our security was sitting and then walked away, chase following behind her. I continued to talk with my father and his group of friends for several minutes. Almost 25 minutes later Dixie still wasn't back. Just as I was looking to the doors, Chase came through one of them with a semi worried ok on his face.

"Hey boss. It's been a while and she still hasn't come out of the bathroom and I don't wanna walk in on her if she doesn't want me to so do you think you could go check on her?" He asked while trying to avoid eye contact.

I nodded my head before downing the rest of my drink and setting the empty glass on the small standing table we were all talking at. Chase led the way to the restrooms where I knocked and called out for Dixie but no one answered. I pushed the door open slightly and called again but there was still no response so I walked in fully to see the rows of bathroom stalls.

"Dixie, baby, are you in here? Is everything alright?" I asked while looking underneath the stall doors.

There wasn't a single person in this damn bathroom.

"Chase get in here!" I shouted as I looked around for any clues.

"Sir?" He asked while he looked to see if I had Dixie.

"Where the hell is my wife?" I asked him angrily.

"I don't know. I stood across the hall from the door and watched for her but she never came out." He said, trying to reason with me.

As I was about to scold him again, I noticed another door at the opposite end of the bathroom. I moved closer to it and saw a piece of emerald green silk caught in the crack. The exact same material as Dixie's dress. Moving even closer to the door, I could see scratch marks as if someone was trying to hold onto it while being pulled away.

Chase followed behind me and saw all the things I did. We stared at each other as all the dots connected when there was a ding on my phone. Quickly pulling it out of my pocket to see if it was Dixie asking for help, I saw a notification I hoped I never would.

"Dixie's wedding ring has been removed. To see the exact location, unlock phone."

My wife has just been abducted.

A/N- Lol I love gaslighting people in group chats to think the characters are going to die. It's honestly so fun. And I REALLY love uploading phantom chapters just to see all f your angry comments. It's truly the highlight of my week.

Also this is shorter cause I really wanted to put something out but the way I want to arrange the cliffhangers makes it so the next few chapters have to be shorter. But it's okay cause you are still getting content.

Anyways drink water, wear your masks and stay sexy all you cool cats and kittens.

P.S. Crying and throwing up at the fact i just said that.

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