Bonus #1

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Dixie's Pov:

It's been almost five month since I found out Noah tampered with my birth control. I started staying in one of the guest bedrooms just to give our relationship a break. I wanted Noah to be there during the pregnancy but as soon as I found out we were having twins, I shut him out. He didn't deserve to know. Especially after getting me pregnant without my consent.

I think about it every single day. I like to tell myself I would've just done it if he asked but I know I wouldn't have liked it. I fear that if I didn't go through with this pregnancy, that Noah would've left me. I know the he would never actually leave me but there was still that small thought in the back of my mind, repeating it every single day 'Keep going or it's over.'

The pregnancy wasn't actually that bad for me. I know how women struggle with it and it can be the absolute worst time of their life but mine was okay. I had an amazing husband whose even though knew I was mad at him, still made an effort in our relationship.

Every morning I was woken up with breakfast and forced out of bed even if I didn't want to. Noah made sure I stayed active and motivated to do things around the house. He researched different stretches and exercises for me to do to make sure my joints and muscles weren't hurting and helped me get all of the supplies to completely redo or boys' bedroom.

Their room was my favorite place in the entire house. I had painted the walls an olive green color and got matching decorations, all having to do with plants and nature. I washed all of their clothes and hung them up in the closet and put together both of the cribs.

I had told Noah he wasn't to come in their room until I was done and they were born just because I couldn't wait to have everything put together. I also put all of the pictures I received from the doctor in frames above their beds, making sure to keep baby a and b separate.

I never had an actual conversation with him unless I was scolding him or asking for different snacks but he pushed through it at the end of the day and made sure I was cared for.

~Present Time~

I was laying on the couch, watching a movie on my laptop that was of course being held by my baby bump. Noah had just handed me a bowl of grapes even though I asked for chocolate. He claimed I had already had my serving of unhealthy foods for today but he made it slightly better by buying the cotton candy grapes so I would think it was actually candy.

As he was going to leave the room, he stopped in the doorway, letting out a sigh as if he was trying to work up to something.

"Hey Dix?" He asked, his voice slightly breaking.

"What?" I asked annoyedly. It came off more aggressive than I intended but I can only blame the hormones for that.

"Do you think... we could maybe sleep together tonight?" He asked, his eyes closed tightly as he turned to face me.

"Noah... no. I'm still upset with you and I need space. In our relationship and physically." I told him as I paused my movie.

"Okay that's fine." He rushed out before moving to leave the room.

He was gone for about ten minutes before he returned again his clothes now changed into the same ones he slept in every night.

"Do you think we could just cuddle for a couple minutes? Just before bed. It's just that I really miss you." He begged.

At this point I couldn't resist. I missed him too and just a few minutes couldn't hurt anything.

I nodded my head and moved the empty bowl and laptop away from me. I stood up and started walking past Noah and up the stairs, making my way to our bedroom. I flopped on the bed as I saw Noah quickly make his way in front of me.

His hands moved down to my hips and gripped tightly as he pushed me up higher on the bed. It was crazy how easily he moved me, I had gained at least 15 pounds since getting pregnant. He then got on his knees above me before he laid on his side next to me.

"Can I touch your stomach?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"Yeah." I whispered lightly.

His hand raised above my bump before he placed it down, relaxing slightly. He ran his hand over the top of my stomach, closer to my boobs, as one of the babies kicked. Noah's face lit up and he began feeling around for anymore kicks or punches.

When there were no more, he laid his head on my shoulder and let out a breath of calmness. The arm that was laying underneath his head moved up and I began running my hands through his hair.

"Dixie?" He called, him being slightly emotional as I hummed in acknowledgement.

"Can I lay between your thighs like I used to do? You don't have to if you're uncom-" He began, immediately starting to backpedal what he had asked.

"That's fine Noah. I don't mind." I giggled as I moved my legs apart slightly.

He smiled at me before moving down, resting his head on my inner thigh before placing a soft kiss there. My body erupted with butterflies as I threw my head back, trying not to show Noah how much I enjoyed this delicate touch.

"I'm so sorry baby. I'm sorry for ruining us and forcing you into this when you didn't want to. This time was supposed to be special. We were supposed to be relaxing and taking vacations as we waited excitedly for our baby to come. Not arguing everyday and fighting over every little thing. I regret everything and I'm so sorry." He sobbed into my skin.

"You regret our baby boy?" I asked him as I ran my hands over his forehead.

"We're having a baby boy?" He asked, looking up at me with tears welling in our eyes.

"Yeah. It's a little boy." Two actually.

He sat up and leaned down to give me a kiss. I had to cut it short since he squished my belly slightly but it still felt nice to have my love back in such a close proximity again.

"It's getting kinda late, do you wanna go to sleep now? I can help you get in bed." He said as he moved to sit at the end of the bed.

"Why don't I just sleep in here tonight." I told him as I pulled the covers down on my side of the bed.

"Oh yeah. Have a good sleep." He said while standing up and heading towards the door.

"Noah where are you going? I meant stay in here and sleep with you. I want to be with you again." I told him while sitting up and reaching my hand out towards him.

He smiled widely before practically running to his side of the bed. He threw the covers up and jumped on top of me, kissing my neck aggressively. I let out a faint whimper of pleasure before pushing him away from me. I kissed him once on the lips before turning to shut the lamp off.

I laid back in Noah's arms, sighing in relief. I missed this. I missed laying in my husbands arms after a long day. I am honestly so excited for these little boys. I really just want them to be a way for us to find each other again. Fall in love again. That's all I want. My husband, my babies and love.


I miss you all so much tbh. I'll probably start on the sequel soon I was just trying to give myself a break lol.

I would appreciate it if you guys could go and leave a kind message for Jada (@doahsnoahh) She's going through a tough time and I think caring messages would help her just a little bit more.

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